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哈氏合金緊固件, 鋯705緊固件, 英科乃爾緊固件,蒙乃爾緊固件和特殊不銹鋼緊固件


哈氏合金緊固件, 鋯705緊固件, 英科乃爾緊固件,蒙乃爾緊固件和特殊不銹鋼緊固件(詳見http://www.shndco.com)
我公司是進口哈氏合金(Hastelloy), 蒙乃爾400/500(Monel400/500), 英科乃爾(Inconel) 和鋯702/705)材料專業(yè)經銷商及上述特殊材料制造緊固件專業(yè)制造商. 這些特殊材料具有較好抗均勻侵蝕, 優(yōu)異抗局部腐蝕和應力裂紋腐蝕, 耐海水腐蝕和耐高溫特性因而, 這些特殊材料被廣泛用于石油, 化工, 制藥, 氣體脫硫, 電廠, 造船, 特別是醋酸和醋酐裝置和許多其他行業(yè).

由于哈氏合金,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾材料具有高強度、高韌性和哈氏合金具有極強應變冷作硬化傾向力學特點, 特別是用哈氏合金材料制造緊固件存在很大的難度和要求極其嚴格加工工藝. 1995年, 我工程技術人員在美國Haynes Interna-

tional Co. Ltd. ( 哈氏合金材料制造公司) 學習哈氏合金材料性能和用途理論知識和哈氏合金材料制造設備的制造工藝, 并帶回大量技術資料.

為確保制造優(yōu)質特殊材料緊固件和在冷熱交變狀態(tài)受拉應力狀態(tài)長期使用, 在制造特殊材料緊固件全過程中以下三個技術要求特別重要:

1. 特殊材料: 必須采用進口歐美特殊材料, 因為歐美進口特殊材料嚴格執(zhí)行ASTE材料規(guī)范其理化性能特別是耐腐蝕性能是穩(wěn)和可靠的

2. 熱加工工藝:

由于哈氏合金, 英科乃爾和蒙乃爾材料具有高強度, 高韌性和哈氏合金具有極強應變冷作硬化傾向力學特點, 在制造特殊材料緊固件時, 在每個熱加工過程中嚴格要求熱加工和熱處理溫度控制, 從而避免在特殊材料圓鋼在冷拔至要求外徑尺寸過程中和六角螺栓六角頭在熱鍛打成型過程中產生微裂紋, 一旦特殊材料六角頭螺栓出現(xiàn)微裂紋, 在冷熱交變狀態(tài)受拉應力狀態(tài)使用會使微裂紋逐步擴大, 在短期使用中使六角螺栓斷裂. 因而, 嚴格控制整個制造中每個熱加工過程特別重要, 因而, 制造優(yōu)質特殊材料六角頭螺栓要求特別高.

a. 哈氏B3鍛打溫度須控制在1232 C°(開始鍛打) 和在982 C°(結束鍛打)

b. 哈氏C276鍛打溫度須控制在1232 C°(開始鍛打)和在954 C°(結束鍛打).

3. 機加工工藝:

由于哈氏合金材料具有高強度、高韌性和極強應變冷作硬化傾向力學特點, 哈氏合金緊固件機加工難度非常大. 為保證螺栓和螺母制造精度和在標準范圍內鎖緊力以及符合緊固件制造和檢驗規(guī)范/標準, 選擇合適材料刀具非常重要,否則會出現(xiàn)緊固件螺紋深度過淺和爛牙不合格產品, 大大降低緊固件使用壽命

依據我公司擁有國外特殊材料供應商和成熟特殊材料緊固件制造技術和經驗, 提供以下哈氏合金, 鋯705, 英科乃爾和蒙乃爾緊固件:

(1). 材料 (制造緊固件進口材料): 哈氏C276, 哈氏B3, 哈氏C22, 鋯705, 蒙乃爾400, 蒙乃爾500, 英科乃爾600, 英科乃爾800HT, 英科乃爾625, 英科乃爾825, 904L, AL6XN, 2205等

(2). 產品 ( 進口材料制造):

a. 六角螺栓/螺母: 用于電廠脫硫和其他場合

b. 用于塔板聯(lián)接緊固件: 六角螺栓和螺母, 圓頭螺栓和螺母, 單頭銑扁螺柱, 雙頭螺栓和螺母等

c. 內六角螺栓/螺母

d. 雙頭螺栓/螺母

e. U型螺栓/螺母

f. 螺釘/螺母

g, 平墊片和彈簧墊圈等

(3). 標準/規(guī)范:

GB5782, GB5783, GB70, GB 6170, ASME B18.2.1, ASME B18.2.2, ASME B18.2.3.1M, ASME B18.2.4.1M , DIN931, DIN933, DIN 603, DIN 444 ISO4014, ISO 4017, ISO 8677和特制要求等

4. 主要業(yè)績:

從1997年起,我公司已為許多著名國外獨資, 合資, 上市公司, 大型國內企業(yè)提供哈氏C276, 哈氏B3, 鋯705, 蒙乃爾400, 英科乃爾材料緊固件,有些公司定制上萬套哈氏C276緊固件(用于塔板聯(lián)接)

1. 重慶揚子江乙酰 (BP) 化工有限公司 醋酸裝置( 哈氏B3緊固件, 哈氏C276緊固件, 鋯702緊固件 )

2. 山東華魯恒升化工股份有限公司 醋酸和醋肝裝置( 哈氏B3緊固件, 哈氏C276緊固件, 鋯702緊固件 ),英科乃爾


3. 上海吳涇化工有限公司 醋酸裝置( 哈氏B3緊固件, 哈氏C276緊固件)

4. 河北英都氣化有限公司 醋酸裝置( 哈氏B3緊固件, 哈氏C276緊固件, 鋯702緊固件 )

5. 昊化宇航化工有限責任公司 哈氏C276緊固件)

6. 拜耳材料科技(中國)有限公司 哈氏B3緊固件, 哈氏C276緊固件

7. 蘇州諾華制藥科技有限公司 哈氏C276緊固件, 蒙乃爾400緊固件

8. 巴斯夫應用化工有限公司 哈氏C276緊固件, 英科乃爾600緊固件

9. 大唐內蒙古多倫煤化工有限責任公司 哈氏C276緊固件

10. 北京澤華化學工程有限公司 哈氏B3緊固件 ( 用于塔板聯(lián)接 ), 哈氏C276緊固件(用于塔板聯(lián)接)

11. 河南神馬股份有限公司 哈氏C276緊固件( 用于塔板聯(lián)接 ), 英科乃爾800HT緊固件

12. 煙臺巨力異氰酸脂有限公司 哈氏C276緊固件

MP: 13801732820

Hastelloy fasteners, Zirconium705 fasteners, Inconel fasteners,Monel fastener etc.

Our corporation is a importer of submitting special materials of Hastelloy ,Inconel,Monel and Zirconium 702 / 705 as well as a manufacturer of fabricating fasteners of above material. The fasteners are widely used in the fields of acetic acid , acetic anhydride ,petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, power, marine and other industries. As the attributes of these special material include high resistance to uniform attact, outstanding localized corrsion resistance, excellent stress corrosion cracking resistance, excellent sea water resistance, wear- high temperature . These special material have become widely used by the oil and gas, chemical processing industries, phamaceutical, gas desulfurization industries, power, marine, especially acetic acid and acetic anhydrideplants and many industries.

As it has high intensity and tenacity as well as stong strain hardening tendency for the mechanical properties of Hastelloy,

Inconel and Monel alloy, It has certain difficulty to fabricate the fastener and need very strict requirement for processing technology . In 1995, our technical personnels was sent to Haynes International Co. Ltd. in USA, which is a manufacturer

to manufacturing material for Hastelloy alloies , to study theoretical knowledge and fabricating technology for Hastelloy alloies

and took back a lot technical documents.

In order to ensure to fabricate the high quality fasteners for special material and been uesd for a long time during the state of hot and cold under the tensile stress, it is particularly important to fabricate the fasteners for special material according to following three technical requirement during whole fabricating process.

1.Special material: It is must to imported special material from USA and Europe. As the special material be manufactured accordind to strict execution ASTE material specifications / codes, it is stable and reliable for physical and chemical properties, especially the properties of corrosion resistance

2. Thermal processing:

As it has the mechanical properties of high intensity and tenacity for Hastelloy ,Inconel and Monel alloies , especially the characteristics of stong cold hardening tendency for Hastelloy. It has certain difficulty to fabricate the fastener. During fabricating the fasteners of special material, it has strictly requirement for controling each hot-working and heat treatment temperature process. So it will be avoided micro cracks occurring in the fasteners during cold drawn to asking for outer diametre size of round bars and hot-forging to form hex head of the bolts. Once the micro cracks in the fasteners bave been occurred, the micro cracks will be gradually grow in the fasteners under alternating tensile stress of colding or heating condition. The fasteners will be fractured in the short-time Thus, strictly control for whole manufacturing process of each heating operation is particularly important, Therefore, it has more strictly requirement to fabricate high quality fasteners for special material

a. During the forging process, the 1232 C°is start forging temperature and 982 C°is finished forging temperature for Hastelloy B3.

b. During the forging process, the 1232 C°is start forging temperature and 954 C°is finished forging temperature for Hastelloy C276.

3. Machining process:

Because Hastelloy materials has the mechanics characteristics of high strength and toughness as well as strong strain cold hardening tendency, it is very difficulty to machine the fasteners of Hastelloy. In order to ensure the manufacturing precision and good lock force of the fasteners according to fabricating and inspecting standards / codes for the fasterens, it is very important to choose the appropriate material to fabricate cutting tools. Otherwise, the fasterens will be inspected for bad products because the fastener thread depth is too shallow and rotten teeths, greatly reduce using life.

Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroad and its rich experience in fabricting fasteners of special materials to submitted following fasterens of Hastelloy, Zirconium 705, Inconel and Monel.

(1). Imported material fabricated the fasterners:

Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium705, Monel 400, Incoloy600, Incoloy 800H, Incoloy 825, 904L, AL6XN and 2205 etc.

(2). Products fabricated by importing material:

a. Hex head bolts & nuts used the desulfurization plants and other plants

b. The fasteners used to link both tower plates: Hex head bolts & nuts, round head bolts & hex head nuts, single head machining flat bolts & nuts, threaded bolts & nuts etc.

c. Inside hex head bolt s & nuts

d. Threaded bolts & nuts

e. U-bolts & nuts
f; Bands bolts & nuts

g. Flat washers

h. Spring washers etc

(3). Standards /Codes:

GB5782, GB5783, GB70, GB 6170, ASME B18.2.1, ASME B18.2.2, ASME B18.2.3.1M, ASME B18.2.4.1M , DIN931, DIN933, DIN 603, DIN 444 ISO4014, ISO 4017, ISO 8677 and special requirement

4. Main reforence:

Since 1997, we have submitted a lot of the fasteners for Haste loy C276, Hastelloy B3, Zirconium 705,Monel 400 and lnconel alloy for many famous corporations both domestic and overseas. Some clients have purchased tens of thousands of sets of Hastelloy C276 fasteners in an order.

1. Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy B3/Hastelloy C276 / Zirconium702

used in acetic acid plant

2. Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy B3/Hastelloy C276 /Zirconium702

used in acetic acid plant

3. Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy B3/Hastelloy C276 used in acetic acid plant

4. HeBei YingDu Gasification Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy B3/Hastelloy C276 / Zirconium702

used in acetic acid plant

5. HuoHua YuHang Chemical Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy C276

6. Bayer Material Science (China) Ltd, Fasterners for Hastelloy B3/Hastelloy C276

7. Novartis Pharmaceutical technology Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy C276 & Monel 400

8. Basifu Application Chemical Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy C276 & Inconel 600

9. Datang Inner Mongolia duolun coal chemical Co., Ltd. Fasterners for Hastelloy C276

10. Beijing ZeHua Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy B3 & Hastelloy C276 to link both tower plates

11. Henan ShenMa Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd Fasterners for Hastelloy C276 to link both tower plates . Fasterners for Inconel 800HT

12. YanTai JuLi Cyanate Fat Co., Ltd. Fasterners for Hastelloy C276

Should you have any questions, Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience.
Best regards,
Chen Zhibao
General Manager
Shanghai NieDuo Fabricating Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd
NO.6-199 JinGang Road Pudong New Area Shanghai,China
Tel. 0086-021-58503107

