
作者: 2021年04月20日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)彭博社4月16日消息,荷蘭皇家殼牌公司(Royal Dutch Shell Plc)正在加入一個(gè)項(xiàng)目,該項(xiàng)目可能會(huì)成為英國(guó)第一個(gè)大規(guī)模的碳捕集和氫中心之一。這家石油巨頭正重新聚焦于清潔能源,并縮減其傳統(tǒng)業(yè)務(wù)。

  據(jù)彭博社4月16日消息,荷蘭皇家殼牌公司(Royal Dutch Shell Plc)正在加入一個(gè)項(xiàng)目,該項(xiàng)目可能會(huì)成為英國(guó)第一個(gè)大規(guī)模的碳捕集和氫中心之一。這家石油巨頭正重新聚焦于清潔能源,并縮減其傳統(tǒng)業(yè)務(wù)。

  殼牌將與英國(guó)最大的獨(dú)立油氣生產(chǎn)商Harbour Energy Plc以及該項(xiàng)目的開發(fā)商Storegga Geotechnologies Ltd合作。后者的一個(gè)部門周五表示,這兩家公司將成為Acorn合資企業(yè)的平等合作伙伴,但沒(méi)有透露它們的潛在投資。



  Acorn CCS位于蘇格蘭東北部,根據(jù)項(xiàng)目網(wǎng)站的介紹,Acorn CCS可以重新利用現(xiàn)有的天然氣管道來(lái)吸收二氧化碳,第一階段將在2020年代中期投入使用。Acorn氫氣廠可能在2025年上線。

  道達(dá)爾SE曾在2018年宣布對(duì)該項(xiàng)目感興趣,但本周早些時(shí)候,Acorn表示,作為 "投資組合管理戰(zhàn)略的一部分",這家法國(guó)大公司已經(jīng)決定退出。

  尹路 編譯自 彭博社


  Shell joins key large-scale carbon capture project in the UK

  Royal Dutch Shell Plc is joining a project to build what could be one of the UK’s first large-scale carbon capture and hydrogen hubs as the oil major refocuses toward cleaner energy and slims down its traditional business.

  Shell will team up with the UK’s biggest independent oil and gas producer Harbour Energy Plc, and the project’s developer Storegga Geotechnologies Ltd, a unit of the latter said Friday. The companies will be equal partners in the Acorn venture, it said, without disclosing potential investments from them.

  The deal is the latest in a string of low-carbon ventures announced by Big Oil over the past year. The Anglo-Dutch major, which seeks to have access to an additional 25 million tons a year of carbon capture and storage capacity by 2035, is developing large-scale projects in Australia and Norway, and a facility in Canada already capturing 1 million tons annually.

  Acorn is on course to be the UK’s first, cost-efficient and scalable CCS, according to Storegga. It is expected to be storing at least 5 million tons a year of carbon dioxide by 2030, half the emissions set out in the UK government’s targets.

  Based in North East Scotland, Acorn CCS can re-purpose existing natural gas pipelines to take CO2, with the first phase operational by the mid 2020s, according to the project’s website. The Acorn hydrogen plant could be online in 2025.

  Total SE had announced interest in the project in 2018, but earlier this week Acorn said the French major had decided to step down “as part of its portfolio management strategy.”

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