
作者: 2021年04月16日 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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  馬國油精煉和貿(mào)易副總裁Yusri Yusof 表示:“在馬國油,我們一直在尋求通過提供最佳解決方案的顛覆性技術(shù)創(chuàng)造價值。利用AVEVA統(tǒng)一供應(yīng)鏈軟件,我們能夠采用更集成的業(yè)務(wù)流程,這優(yōu)化了我們的生產(chǎn)率,使我們能夠以更低的成本交付?!?/span>



  AVEVA規(guī)劃與運(yùn)營高級副總裁Harpreet Gulati表示:“AVEVA統(tǒng)一供應(yīng)鏈軟件是AVEVA價值鏈優(yōu)化解決方案的一部分,為馬國油等企業(yè)提供了一個獨(dú)特的機(jī)會,使整個供應(yīng)鏈從原料選擇到計劃、調(diào)度、運(yùn)營和分銷的所有業(yè)務(wù)和運(yùn)營活動同步。 我們的解決方案是幫助企業(yè)改變他們的工作和運(yùn)營方式。我們正在實(shí)現(xiàn)馬國油公司供應(yīng)鏈的數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型,通過下一代軟件增強(qiáng)用戶體驗(yàn)、提供內(nèi)置協(xié)作、交互性和高級分析,使其員工能夠做出更優(yōu)秀、更敏捷的決策?!?/span>

  裘寅 編譯自 世界石油


  Petronas partners with AVEVA to drive digital transformation advances

  Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas), Malaysia’s fully integrated oil and gas multinational, has partnered with AVEVA, a global leader in industrial software, driving digital transformation and sustainability, to provide a modern enterprise solution that promotes integration across the entire value chain.

  Petronas selected AVEVA Unified Supply Chain in the cloud to enable simplified business processes and deeper collaboration, while reducing value leaks and sustaining productivity. As the only industrial software company that offers unified design applications across all supply chain activities, AVEVA’s solution uses Enterprise Crude Knowledge Management, to drive Value Chain Optimization for the oil and gas industry.

  Delivering Intuitive Software with Cloud High Performance Computing

  The AVEVA solution will provide easy data management to deliver a single source of crude oil information that is easily shared across different teams and locations. The modern and intuitive software will eliminate the requirement for specific coding, drastically reducing the learning curve delivering high-performance computing and advanced data processing that will enable Petronas to run complex planning models at speed using the latest cloud technology.

  “At Petronas, we are continuously looking to create value with disruptive technologies that offer optimum solutions. Utilizing AVEVA Unified Supply Chain software, we have been able to adopt a more integrated business process, that optimizes our productivity, allowing us to deliver with less,” said Yusri Yusof, vice president of refining and trading at Petronas.

  Transforming Organizational Operations and Improving the bottom line

  AVEVA solutions have helped the 4 Petronas refinery and petrochemical sites improve safe operations while finding the best utilization for feedstock. The technology also ensures the resulting production plan matches the real plant optimization and reduces the gap between planning and scheduling, as well as actual refinery operations.

  “AVEVA Unified Supply Chain software, part of AVEVA’s Value Chain Optimization solution, presents a unique opportunity for organizations like Petronas to synchronize all business and operations activities across the supply chain from feedstock selection to planning, scheduling, operations and distribution,“ said Harpreet Gulati, SVP Planning and Operations, AVEVA. “Our solutions are helping organizations to change the way they work and operate. We are delivering the digital transformation of Petronas’ supply chain, by empowering its workforce to make better, more agile decisions with next-generation software that is enhancing the user experience as well as providing built-in collaboration, interactivity and advanced analytics.”

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