
作者: 2021年04月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)埃克森美孚稱,位于挪威東南部托恩斯貝格(Toensberg)附近的斯萊根坦根( Slagentangen)煉油廠建于1961年,加工北海原油,出口量約占總產(chǎn)量的60%。



郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC


ExxonMobil may permanently shut its oil refinery in Norway

ExxonMobil, the US energy major, is considering whether to close down its Slagen oil refinery in Norway, which has a capacity to process 120,000 barrels of crude per day, turning the site into an import terminal, reported Reuters with reference to the company's statement.

The refinery at Slagentangen near Toensberg in south-east Norway was built in 1961 and process crude oil from the North Sea, exporting about 60% of the output, according to Exxon.

It was too early to say when a final decision would be made, the company’s Esso unit in Norway said. “In practise it means that we would stop producing oil products at the refinery and instead we will import them,” Esso spokeswoman Anne Fougner said.

“Refineries in Europe operate in an increasingly challenging market, characterized by falling demand and strong competition, leading to overcapacity in the market,” Esso said in a statement.

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標簽:埃克森美孚 歐洲煉油廠
