
作者: 2021年04月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)4月8日挪威時報報道,挪威石油基金以139億挪威克朗的價格購買了荷蘭海上風電場的一半股權(quán)。管理該基金的Norges Bank Investment Management公司指出,這是該基金在可再生能源基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施方面的首次投資。

據(jù)4月8日挪威時報報道,挪威石油基金以139億挪威克朗的價格購買了荷蘭海上風電場的一半股權(quán)。管理該基金的Norges Bank Investment Management公司指出,這是該基金在可再生能源基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施方面的首次投資。

海上風電場Borssele 1號和2號已于去年第四季度完工。4月7日與運營商沃旭能源簽署了購買協(xié)議,將在今年第二或第三季度完成。

NBIM的房地產(chǎn)和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資總監(jiān)Mie Holstad說:“我們很高興完成了對可再生能源非上市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的第一筆投資,并期待與沃旭能源合作,沃旭能源是海上風電的市場領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。這是一個很好的項目,這項投資符合我們建立高質(zhì)量的風力和太陽能發(fā)電廠組合的戰(zhàn)略?!?/span>

Borssele 1號和2號電站的發(fā)電量約為752兆瓦,所產(chǎn)生的能量相當于約100萬荷蘭家庭的年用電量。相比之下,根據(jù)石油和能源部的數(shù)據(jù),挪威在今年初共有53個風電場,容量為3977兆瓦。因此,荷蘭項目相當于挪威全部風電容量的19%。

周三,挪威石油基金經(jīng)理Nicolai Tangen還介紹了該基金的新戰(zhàn)略計劃,“高回報、負責任的管理和開放性仍然是我們戰(zhàn)略的關(guān)鍵詞。修訂后的戰(zhàn)略側(cè)重于優(yōu)化流程、技術(shù)和員工的發(fā)展?!?/span>

馮于榮 摘譯自 挪威時報


Norway’s Oil Fund invests billions in offshore wind farms in the Netherlands

The Oil Fund has bought half of a Dutch offshore wind farm for NOK 13.9 billion.

This is the fund’s first investment in infrastructure for renewable energy, Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), which manages the fund, noted.

The offshore wind farm Borssele 1 & 2 was completed in the fourth quarter last year. The purchase agreement with operator ?rsted was signed on April 7, and the purchase will be completed in the second or third quarter of this year.


“We are pleased to have completed our first investment in unlisted infrastructure for renewable energy and look forward to working with ?rsted, which is the market leader in offshore wind.

“This is a good project, and the investment is in line with our strategy of building a portfolio of high-quality wind and solar power plants,” Mie Holstad, NBIM’s director of real estate and infrastructure investments, noted.

Borssele 1 & 2 has a capacity of around 752 megawatts (MW) and produces energy corresponding to the annual electricity consumption of around one million Dutch households.

In comparison, Norway had a total of 53 wind farms with a capacity of 3,977 MW at the turn of the year, according to the Oil and Energy Ministry. The Dutch project thus corresponds to 19% of all of Norway’s wind power capacity.

New plan

The news of the offshore wind investment was presented at a press conference on Wednesday. There, Oil Fund manager Nicolai Tangen also presented a new strategy plan for the fund.

“The revised strategy is based on previous strategy plans. High returns, responsible management, and openness continue to be key words in our strategy,” Tangen said.

“The revised strategy focuses on optimizing processes, technology, and development of our employees.”

“The new plan is shorter, more precise, and more closely linked to action and the relationship between ongoing tasks and our strategic ambitions,” NBIM stated in a press release.

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標簽:挪威石油基金 海上風電場
