
作者: 2021年03月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)阿拉伯貿(mào)易3月25日消息稱,全球石油行業(yè)領導者巴西國家石油公司周三表示,已簽署協(xié)議,將其位于Bahia州的Landulpho Alves煉油廠(RLAM)及其相關物流資產(chǎn)以16.5億美元的價格出售給總部位于阿布扎比的穆巴達拉資本公

據(jù)阿拉伯貿(mào)易3月25日消息稱,全球石油行業(yè)領導者巴西國家石油公司周三表示,已簽署協(xié)議,將其位于Bahia州的Landulpho Alves煉油廠(RLAM)及其相關物流資產(chǎn)以16.5億美元的價格出售給總部位于阿布扎比的穆巴達拉資本公司。





巴西石油公司首席執(zhí)行官Roberto Castello Branco表示:“今天對巴西石油公司和巴西來說都是非??鞓返囊惶臁_@是壟斷經(jīng)濟結束的開始,在某些活動中仍然存在壟斷RLAM的剝離有助于改善資本配置,降低仍然很高的債務,并開始降低政治干預燃料定價的風險,這對巴西國家石油公司和巴西經(jīng)濟本身造成了很大的損害。這筆交易無疑滿足了巴西國家石油公司和巴西股東的最大利益?!?/span>


曹海斌 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿(mào)易


Petrobrasto sell RLAM refinery to Mubadala for $1.65bn

Petrobras, a global leader in the petroleum industry, said on Wednesday that it has signed an agreement for the sale of its Landulpho Alves Refinery (RLAM) and its associated logistics assets, in the state of Bahia, to Abu Dhabi-based Mubadala Capital for $1.65 billion.

The signing of the sale and purchase agreement will take place soon, it added.

The agreement provides for purchase price adjustment due to changes in net working capital, net debt and investments until the closing of the transaction, and the operation is subject to approval by the Administrative Council for Economic Defence (CADE).

The refinery will be the first of the eight that are being divested by Petrobras to have its sale and purchase agreement signed. The sale of RLAM is in line with a resolution of the National Energy Policy Council, which established guidelines for the promotion of free competition in the national refining sector, and is reflective of the commitment signed between Petrobras and CADE in June 2019 to open the refining sector in Brazil.

Besides RLAM, the divestment processes of the other seven refineries are still in progress, as announced on February 8, 2021.

Roberto Castello Branco, CEO of Petrobras, commented: "Today is a very happy day for Petrobras and Brazil. It is the beginning of the end of a monopoly in an economy still with monopolies in several activities. The divestment of RLAM contributes to the improvement of capital allocation, reduction of the still high indebtedness and to start a process of reducing the risks of political interventions in fuel pricing, which caused so much damage to Petrobras and to the Brazilian economy itself. The transaction undoubtedly satisfies the best interests of Petrobras' and Brazil's shareholders."

The transaction is in compliance with the current strategic plan and it is aligned with the optimization of the portfolio and the improvement of the company's capital allocation, aiming to generate value for our shareholders.

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