
作者: 2021年03月29日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)可再生能源新聞2021年3月25日東京報(bào)道,日本最大的煉油企業(yè)新日本石油公司(ENEOS)3月25日在東京表示,ENEOS日前與沙特阿拉伯國家石油公司(沙特阿美/Saudi Aramco)簽署了一項(xiàng)諒解備忘錄(MoU),考慮雙方合作開發(fā)

據(jù)可再生能源新聞2021年3月25日東京報(bào)道,日本最大的煉油企業(yè)新日本石油公司(ENEOS)3月25日在東京表示,ENEOS日前與沙特阿拉伯國家石油公司(沙特阿美/Saudi Aramco)簽署了一項(xiàng)諒解備忘錄(MoU),考慮雙方合作開發(fā)無二氧化碳?xì)浜桶惫?yīng)鏈,以加快發(fā)展氫生產(chǎn)、運(yùn)輸和銷售業(yè)務(wù)。





李峻 編譯自 可再生能源新聞


Japan's ENEOS signs MOU with Aramco to develop hydrogen, ammonia supply chain

Japan's largest refiner ENEOS said March 25 it signed a memorandum of understanding with Saudi Aramco to consider development of a CO2-free hydrogen and ammonia supply chain as it accelerates efforts to develop hydrogen production, transport and sales businesses.

Under the MOU, which was ENEOS' first of its kind with a Middle Eastern producer, the two companies will conduct a year-long feasibility study looking at means of hydrogen production and transport options, an ENEOS spokeswoman said.

During the feasibility study, ENEOS and Saudi Aramco will jointly look at Aramco's hydrogen production derived from feedstocks such as natural gas and LPG as well as capture and storage of its associated CO2 from production, ENEOS said.

The companies will also look at means to transport hydrogen including in forms of ammonia and methylcyclohexane (MCH) from Saudi Arabia to Japan and other consumers.

Japan imported the maiden blue ammonia cargo in 2020 from Saudi Arabia to be used for power generation, with the CO2 capturing process designated for use in methanol production at SABIC's Ibn-Sina facility, as well as capturing CO2 used for enhanced oil recovery at Saudi Aramco's Uthmaniyah field.

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標(biāo)簽:氫氣 二氧化碳
