
作者: 2021年03月16日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)3月13日Oil Now報(bào)道,自從2015年美國(guó)石油巨頭??松梨谑状伟l(fā)現(xiàn)世界級(jí)的石油資源以來(lái),新石油生產(chǎn)國(guó)圭亞那一直是全球發(fā)現(xiàn)資源最多的國(guó)家。該公司在高產(chǎn)的Stabroek區(qū)塊鉆了21口探井,有18口獲得了石油發(fā)現(xiàn),保持了

據(jù)3月13日Oil Now報(bào)道,自從2015年美國(guó)石油巨頭??松梨谑状伟l(fā)現(xiàn)世界級(jí)的石油資源以來(lái),新石油生產(chǎn)國(guó)圭亞那一直是全球發(fā)現(xiàn)資源最多的國(guó)家。該公司在高產(chǎn)的Stabroek區(qū)塊鉆了21口探井,有18口獲得了石油發(fā)現(xiàn),保持了80%以上的成功率,這在油氣行業(yè)是前所未有的。

Rystad Energy數(shù)據(jù)顯示,在過(guò)去六年中,該國(guó)平均每口勘探井(wildcat and appraisal)的石油發(fā)現(xiàn)量達(dá)3億桶石油當(dāng)量。

Rystad Energy上游團(tuán)隊(duì)分析師Santosh Kumar表示:“2021年計(jì)劃鉆探約16口探井,其中一些位于風(fēng)險(xiǎn)較高的地區(qū)。”

??松梨谏嫌螛I(yè)務(wù)高級(jí)副總裁尼爾?查普曼(Neil Chapman)表示,該公司迄今在圭亞那近海發(fā)現(xiàn)的90億桶石油資源只是冰山一角。他指出:“該項(xiàng)目仍處于早期階段,但我們?nèi)匀桓械椒浅9奈?,我們估?jì)該盆地的資源潛力將是我們已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)的兩倍以上?!?/span>

今年,該石油巨頭將在圭亞那近海進(jìn)行積極的勘探和評(píng)估鉆井計(jì)劃,目標(biāo)是Stabroek和Canje區(qū)塊。就在本周,該公司使用Stena Carron鉆井船在這兩個(gè)區(qū)塊連續(xù)開井,并使用最近抵達(dá)的Stena DrillMAX鉆機(jī)進(jìn)行評(píng)估鉆井。

Rystad能源公司海上鉆井跟蹤系統(tǒng)顯示,目前有三艘鉆井船在greater Liza地區(qū)進(jìn)行開發(fā)鉆井活動(dòng)最近到達(dá)的Stena DrillMAX已經(jīng)開始了Longtail-2評(píng)價(jià)井的鉆探活動(dòng),而Stena Carron鉆井船最近完成了bullet - wood-1的鉆探,現(xiàn)在正在Canje區(qū)塊開鉆jabilo -1探井。

??松梨诠鐏喣枪究偛冒⒗固枴谔乩妫ˋlistair Routledge)表示:“我們預(yù)計(jì)明年將鉆探十多口探井和評(píng)勘井,其中幾口將在Stabroek區(qū)塊東南部的核心區(qū)域。”


王佳晶 摘譯自 Oil Now


Average size of each Guyana oil discovery is 300 million barrels

New oil producer Guyana has been at the top of the global list for discovered resources since U.S oil major ExxonMobil made its first world class discovery in 2015. The company has made a total of 18 discoveries out of 21 exploration wells drilled at the prolific Stabroek block, maintaining an above 80 percent success rate which is unprecedented in the oil and gas industry.

“Rystad Energy data suggests that close to 300 million barrels of oil equivalent has been discovered on average for each exploration well (wildcat and appraisal) drilled in the country over the past six years,” the Norway-based consultancy group said in a new report published Friday.

“With around 16 exploration wells planned, including some in riskier frontier regions, 2021 holds a lot of promise,” says Santosh Kumar, analyst with Rystad Energy’s upstream team.

ExxonMobil Senior Vice President of Upstream, Neil Chapman, told investors last week that the 9 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources the company has discovered so far offshore Guyana is only the tip of the iceberg.

“It’s still early days in the programme but we continue to be very encouraged, and we estimate the resource potential of the basin to be more than double what we’ve already discovered,” he pointed out.

The oil major will be pursuing an aggressive exploration and appraisal drilling programme offshore Guyana this year with multiple prospects targeting the Stabroek and Canje blocks. Just this week the company spudded wells back-to-back in these two blocks using the Stena Carron drill ship, and is conducting appraisal drilling in the Longtail area utilizing the recently arrived Stena DrillMAX rig.

“The Rystad Energy Offshore Rig tracker shows that three drillships are currently located in the greater Liza area performing development drilling activity. The recently arrived Stena DrillMAX already initiated drilling activities on the Longtail-2 appraisal well, while the Stena Carron drillship, which recently concluded drilling Bulletwood-1, has now spud the Jabillo-1 exploration well in the Canje block,” Rystad Energy said.

“We expect to drill more than a dozen exploration and appraisal wells over the next year and several of those would be out with that core area in the southeast of the Stabroek block,” ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge recently told OilNOW.

The southeastern area of the 6.6 million acres Stabroek block is where the bulk of the 18 discoveries have so far been made. Routledge said the company also intends to target wells west of these discoveries. So far, the Ranger well is the farthest the company has drilled in the northwest section of the block and is also the deepest well ever to be drilled at Stabroek.

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