
作者: 2021年03月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)3月11日offshore energy消息:法國能源巨頭道達爾將與微軟作為戰(zhàn)略伙伴合作,進一步實現(xiàn)數(shù)字化轉型,支持凈零排放進程。

據(jù)3月11日offshore energy消息:法國能源巨頭道達爾將與微軟作為戰(zhàn)略伙伴合作,進一步實現(xiàn)數(shù)字化轉型,支持凈零排放進程。









道達爾董事長兼首席執(zhí)行官Patrick Pouyanné表示:“我們致力于通過銷售綠色電力來提供專業(yè)知識,以支持微軟實現(xiàn)其可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標,我們很高興依靠微軟的云和人工智能解決方案來加速數(shù)字轉型。這對推動世界實現(xiàn)凈零排放至關重要?!?/span>


馮娟 摘譯自 offshore energy


Total and Microsoft team up for net-zero emissions goals

French energy major Total will collaborate with Microsoft as strategic partners to further digital transformation and support progress toward net-zero emissions.

Total’s plan is to reach 35 gigawatts of renewable electrical capacity in 2025 and then nearly 100 gigawatt in 2030, while Microsoft has made a commitment to use 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025.

The vast experience and innovation of the companies in their respective areas of expertise are considered to bring concrete opportunities for a multi-year collaboration.

Microsoft’s sustainability objectives can be supported by Total’s global presence and market knowledge.

Total will make further use of the Microsoft’s cloud platforms, since the company has decided to accelerate its IT transformation and leverage the power of Azure for digital transformation projects and for Total Digital Factory. Total will also explore the value of the Power Platform to automate business processes, reduce cost and allow easier access to data for its citizen developers.

The companies plan to explore and co-innovate on areas concerning sustainability, further digital transformation, and AI solutions accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy. An example is the deployment of low-carbon and carbon-removal technologies.

Microsoft aims to eliminate its dependency on diesel fuel by 2030, as a part of the sustainability objectives. Total will support Microsoft through its affiliate Saft, which specializes in advanced technology battery solutions. The support will serve the development of a long-term roadmap to diesel-free operations.

The first step is to help Microsoft assess the suitability of various Total technologies as part of Microsoft’s portfolio of onsite backup energy assets, including diesel genset displacement and uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

Total will assist Microsoft to secure renewable energy through power purchase agreements (PPAs). A first PPA of 47 megawatts has been agreed for Microsoft’s Spanish operations.

Patrick Pouyanné, chairman and CEO of Total, said: “We are committed to bringing our expertise by selling green electricity to support Microsoft in achieving its sustainability goals, and we’re pleased to rely on Microsoft’s cloud and AI solutions to accelerate our digital transformation. This is fundamental to drive progress towards a world with net-zero emissions”.

“We have an enormous opportunity to use advances in digital technology to reduce greenhouse emissions. Our strategic partnership with Total will apply the comprehensive power of Microsoft cloud platforms to accelerate Total’s transition to new energies and to meet sustainability goals,” added Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft.

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標簽:道達爾 微軟 凈零排放
