原油庫存攀升 油價徘徊在64美元

作者: 2021年03月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)世界石油網(wǎng)站3月10日報道 在美國石油儲備數(shù)據(jù)公布之前,石油在漲跌之間反彈。周三紐約期貨價格攀升,扭轉(zhuǎn)了早些時候的跌勢。美國石油協(xié)會報告稱,上周原油庫存增加,而汽油庫存下降。

據(jù)世界石油網(wǎng)站3月10日報道 在美國石油儲備數(shù)據(jù)公布之前,石油在漲跌之間反彈。




瑞典北歐安銀行首席大宗商品分析師Bjarne Schieldrop表示:“今年5月,全球石油庫存可能已經(jīng)恢復(fù)正常,歐佩克+使今年的市場比我們預(yù)期的要緊得多?!?/span>




王磊 摘譯自 世界石油


Oil prices hover near $64 as crude inventories climb

Oil bounced between gains and losses before data on U.S. oil stockpiles due later.

Futures in New York crept higher on Wednesday, reversing an earlier decline. The American Petroleum Institute reported crude inventories rose last week, while gasoline stockpiles fell, according to people familiar.

Still, there are signs of weakness in the market. WTI’s nearest timespread briefly erased all of its backwardation -- a structure that indicates tightness -- on Tuesday. Oil production across American shale patches next year is expected to climb as producers take advantage of a price recovery, according to a government report.

Oil market volatility has also been creeping higher in recent weeks. Still, crude is up more than 30% this year, after hitting a multiyear high on Monday as the market tightens. Output cuts from Saudi Arabia and OPEC+, and an improving demand outlook with the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines have both aided the rally, while political risks are returning after an attack on Saudi Arabia in recent days.

“Global oil inventories could be back to normal already in May this year,” said Bjarne Schieldrop, chief commodities analyst at SEB AB. “OPEC+ is keeping the market much tighter this year than we had expected.”


West Texas Intermediate climbed 0.6% to $64.42 barrel at 7:59 a.m. London time

Brent for May settlement rose 0.4% to $67.82

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