
作者: 2021年03月11日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)烴加工網(wǎng)站3月8日消息 麥克德莫特國際公司宣布,已投資于魯瑪斯科技控股公司。根據(jù)Chatterjee集團(tuán)旗艦公司Haldia石化公司與Rh?ne資本公司于2020年1月21日簽訂的出售魯瑪斯科技的股份和資產(chǎn)購買協(xié)議,麥克德莫特有

據(jù)烴加工網(wǎng)站3月8日消息 麥克德莫特國際公司宣布,已投資于魯瑪斯科技控股公司。根據(jù)Chatterjee集團(tuán)旗艦公司Haldia石化公司與Rh?ne資本公司于2020年1月21日簽訂的出售魯瑪斯科技的股份和資產(chǎn)購買協(xié)議,麥克德莫特有權(quán)購買少數(shù)普通股購買魯瑪斯實(shí)體的所有權(quán)權(quán)益。麥克德莫特最近行使了自己的選擇權(quán)。



吳恒磊 編譯自 烴加工


McDermott invests in Lummus Technology

McDermott International announced that it has invested in Lummus Technology Holdings I LLC, a holding company of Lummus Technology. Under the terms of the share and asset purchase agreement for the sale of Lummus Technology—entered into with a joint partnership between Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd., a flagship company of The Chatterjee Group, and Rh?ne Capital (the "Joint Partnership") on January 21, 2020—McDermott was provided the option to purchase a minority common equity ownership interest in the entity purchasing Lummus. McDermott recently exercised its option.

"This agreement not only reinforces our already-robust and active relationship, but also reflects our support of—and belief in—Lummus' long-term strategic plan," said David Dickson, President and CEO of McDermott. "Together, we will continue to combine McDermott's innovative EPC delivery with Lummus' innovative technology solutions to our customers across the globe."

The sale of Lummus was part of McDermott's comprehensive restructuring process, which McDermott successfully completed on June 30, 2020. Since the sale, McDermott and Lummus have continued to work together through their strategic agreement to bring customers technology solutions through the entire plant life cycle.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:麥克德莫特 魯瑪斯
