隨著供應限制緩解 油價回落至40美元

作者: 2020年10月14日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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上周原油價格上漲,因交易商消化了颶風“德爾塔”對產量的影響,且美國進一步采取更多財政刺激措施。然而,在挪威石油工人達成一項協議后,石油價格上周五回落。該協議將恢復因糾紛而關閉的6個油田的生產,并防止事態(tài)升級到另外六個油田。同時避免了日產46萬桶的挪威最大油田Johan Sverdrup的關閉。

伊拉克預計原油價格今年將維持在每桶41-42美元左右,2021年第一季將升至每桶45美元,官方報紙Al-Sabah援引該國石油部長Ihsan Abdul Jabbar的采訪報道。伊拉克是歐佩克第二大產油國。這位部長重申,該國將遵守歐佩克限制石油產量的協議。


馮娟 摘譯自 彭博社


Oil Falls Back Toward $40 as Supply Constraints Begin to Ease

Oil slipped a second day as operations in the Gulf of Mexico began to resume following Hurricane Delta,and oil workers in Norway called off a strike.

Futures in New York fell as much as 0.9%, after declining 1.4% on Friday. U.S. Gulf operators are beginning to restart production after the storm made landfall on Friday. Delta’s approach had seen about 92% of oil production and 62% of gas output shuttered.

The Sharara field will initially pump 40,000 barrels of crude a day, before reaching its capacity of almost 300,000 barrels in 10 days, a person with knowledge of the situation said.

For OPEC and its allies as they mull whether to proceed with plans to further taper production curbs in January. With coronavirus cases accelerating in many countries, the cartel faces a difficult decision at its next policy meeting on Nov. 30-Dec. 1 to stay the course or delay the increase in production.

Crude rallied last week as traders factored in the production hit from Hurricane Delta and as the U.S. inched closer to more fiscal stimulus. However, prices retreated on Friday after Norway’s oil workers agreed a settlement that will restore production at six fields shut down by the dispute and prevent an escalation to another six. It also averted a shutdown of Norway’s largest oil field, the 460,000 barrel-a-day Johan Sverdrup facility.

Iraq, OPEC’s second-biggest oil producer, expects crude prices to remain at around $41 to $42 a barrel this year before rising to $45 in the first quarter of 2021, the state-run Al-Sabah newspaper reported, citing an interview with Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar. The minister reiterated Iraq’s compliance with the OPEC+ pact to curb output.

Drilling rigs targeting crude oil in the U.S. rose by 4 to 193 last week, according to Baker Hughes, an increase of 14 in the last three weeks. Activity is starting to pick up despite a warning that demand might not recover to pre-pandemic levels until 2023. A Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City survey of energy executives found a glum outlook not only for demand but for oilfield jobs, wages and access to credit.

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標簽:油價 Sharara油田 Johan Sverdrup
