
作者: 2020年10月12日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)10月9日FX Empire報(bào)道,天然氣期貨價(jià)格周五小幅走高,因?yàn)樵絹?lái)越多的人認(rèn)為Delta颶風(fēng)對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)匾夯烊粴馍a(chǎn)的影響將很小。交易員們正在密切關(guān)注這一情況,因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)終端一旦受到直接打擊,可能會(huì)讓它在一段時(shí)間內(nèi)無(wú)

據(jù)10月9日FX Empire報(bào)道,天然氣期貨價(jià)格周五小幅走高,因?yàn)樵絹?lái)越多的人認(rèn)為Delta颶風(fēng)對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)匾夯烊粴馍a(chǎn)的影響將很小。交易員們正在密切關(guān)注這一情況,因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)終端一旦受到直接打擊,可能會(huì)讓它在一段時(shí)間內(nèi)無(wú)法使用,這將削減液化天然氣需求,而在冬季需求季節(jié)到來(lái)之前,液化天然氣需要考慮到儲(chǔ)量問(wèn)題。






王佳晶 摘譯自 FX Empire


Natural Gas Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Next Major Move Determined by LNG Demand

Natural gas futures are inching higher on Friday on increasing bets that the impact of Hurricane Delta will be minimal on liquefied natural gas production in the region. Traders are monitoring the situation closely because a direct hit on a facility could put it out of commission for some time. This would cut into LNG demand, which is needed to prevent storage issues before the winter demand season.

At 09:58 GMT, December natural gas futures are trading $3.164, up $0.015 or +0.48%.

US Energy Information Administration Weekly Storage Report

The U.S. EIA reported Thursday that domestic supplies of natural gas rose by 75 billion cubic feet for the week-ended October 2. On average, analysts forecast an increase of 71 billion cubic feet. Total stocks now stand at 3.831 trillion cubic feet, up 444 billion cubic feet from a year ago, and 394 billion cubic feet above the five-year average, the government said.

NGI reported ahead of the EIA storage report that analyst estimates hovered around a build in the low to mid-70s Bcf. The seven analysts surveyed by Bloomberg responded with estimates ranging from 67 Bcf to 85 Bcf, with a median of 73 Bcf. A Wall Street Journal poll had the same range but arrived at a median of 74 Bcf. A Reuters poll with the same range of projections had a median of 73 Bcf. NGI pegged the build at 75 Bcf.

Daily Forecast

The EIA report was bearish, but traders are focusing on Hurricane Delta and its possible impact on LNG demand.

A direct hit of an LNG facility that causes damage could exert a bearish influence on prices because it will curtail production and shipping.

If Hurricane Delta misses and there is no damage to facilities or any delays in shipping then prices could rise because of expectations of higher demand.

At this time, it’s going to take a combination of strong LNG demand and heating demand to prevent storage problems in about a month.

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