
作者: 2020年10月12日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)鉆機(jī)地帶10月8日彭博社報(bào)道,雪佛龍公司正大力實(shí)施將牛糞轉(zhuǎn)化為可再生天然氣的計(jì)劃。這家石油巨頭與廢物解決方案管理公司Brightmark LLC成立了一家合資企業(yè),在多個(gè)州建設(shè)生物甲烷項(xiàng)目,這標(biāo)志著該公司第二次嘗試


這家石油巨頭與廢物解決方案管理公司Brightmark LLC成立了一家合資企業(yè),在多個(gè)州建設(shè)生物甲烷項(xiàng)目,這標(biāo)志著該公司第二次嘗試?yán)萌橹破窂U物生產(chǎn)可再生天然氣。根據(jù)一份電子郵件聲明,雪佛龍計(jì)劃隨后購(gòu)買這種生物甲烷,為目前使用壓縮天然氣的卡車、公共汽車和其他車輛提供動(dòng)力。

雪佛龍公司美洲產(chǎn)品總裁安迪·沃爾茲(Andy Walz)在電話采訪中表示,我們認(rèn)為,這是我們?cè)谖磥?lái)獲得低碳燃料的部分途徑。他稱,最終目標(biāo)是降低排放。



Brightmark首席執(zhí)行官Bob Powell表示,該合資企業(yè)最初可能在紐約、密歇根、南達(dá)科他州和佛羅里達(dá)開發(fā)項(xiàng)目,其中大部分將用于加州的交通運(yùn)輸業(yè)。


郝芬 譯自 鉆機(jī)地帶


Chevron Doubles Down on Renewable Natural Gas

Chevron Corp. is doubling down on its plan to turn cow manure into renewable natural gas.

The oil major formed a joint venture with waste solutions manager Brightmark LLC to build biomethane projects in multiple states, marking its second foray into producing renewable gas from dairy waste. Chevron plans to then buy the biomethane to power its trucks, buses and other vehicles currently running on compressed natural gas, according to an emailed statement.

“We think this is part of the way we are going to have lower carbon fuel in the future,” Andy Walz, president of Americas products at Chevron, said in a telephone interview. The ultimate goal, he said, is to lower its emissions.

The push comes as fossil-fuel producers are under mounting pressure to be more transparent about their greenhouse gas emissions and to help combat climate change. Exxon Mobil Corp. came under scrutiny Monday after leaked documents revealed the company secretly planned to increase emissions even as it publicly touted its plans for cutting its carbon footprint.

Chevron characterized its bioethane investments as part of an effort to lower methane emissions, but declined to quantify the emissions impact of the projects.

The joint venture may initially develop projects in New York, Michigan, South Dakota and down to Florida and most of it will be used in California’s transportation sector, said Brightmark Chief Executive Officer Bob Powell.

Chevron has another RNG venture with California Bioenergy.

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標(biāo)簽:牛糞 可再生天然氣 生物甲烷
