
作者: 2020年09月25日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)OE網(wǎng)站9月23日?qǐng)?bào)道,石油和天然氣公司海王星能源公司(Neptune Energy)表示,海底建設(shè)工程已經(jīng)開(kāi)始,最終將Seagull海上油田與英國(guó)石油公司(BP)位于英國(guó)北海的ETAP平臺(tái)綁定。

據(jù)OE網(wǎng)站9月23日?qǐng)?bào)道,石油和天然氣公司海王星能源公司(Neptune Energy)表示,海底建設(shè)工程已經(jīng)開(kāi)始,最終將Seagull海上油田與英國(guó)石油公司(BP)位于英國(guó)北海的ETAP平臺(tái)綁定。

Seagull是英國(guó)北海中部許可區(qū)P1622區(qū)塊 22/29C一個(gè)高壓高溫(HPHT)開(kāi)發(fā)項(xiàng)目,位于英國(guó)石油公司運(yùn)營(yíng)的ETAP中央處理設(shè)施(CPF)以南17公里處。已探明儲(chǔ)量加上可能的總儲(chǔ)量估計(jì)為5,000萬(wàn)桶油當(dāng)量。

TechnipFMC目前已經(jīng)部署了Apache II管道船,開(kāi)始管道內(nèi)安裝,鋪設(shè)了約5公里的管道,連接Egret管匯和Seagull開(kāi)發(fā)項(xiàng)目。

海王星能源英國(guó)董事總經(jīng)理亞歷山德拉?托馬斯(Alexandra Thomas)表示,Seagull項(xiàng)目對(duì)于海王星、其合作伙伴以及英國(guó)都是一個(gè)重要的項(xiàng)目。預(yù)計(jì)總?cè)湛偖a(chǎn)量為5萬(wàn)桶,支持英國(guó)的供應(yīng)安全。


TechnipFMC的“Normand Mermaid”號(hào)船在8月下旬被調(diào)動(dòng)起來(lái)進(jìn)行預(yù)鋪設(shè)工作,包括測(cè)量和移除巨石。在管道安裝完成后,其N(xiāo)ormand Ranger將為開(kāi)發(fā)進(jìn)行挖溝活動(dòng)。


海王星是Seagull的運(yùn)營(yíng)商,海王星于2018年從Apache North Sea Limited購(gòu)買(mǎi)了其在Seagull 35%的股份。其在北海項(xiàng)目中的合作伙伴是BP(占50%)和JAPEX(占15%)。


郝芬 譯自 OE網(wǎng)站


Neptune makes first step in offshore execution of North Sea project

Oil and gas company Neptune Energy has informed that subsea construction works have kicked off that will eventually see its Seagull offshore field tied back to BP's ETAP platform in the UK North Sea.

Seagull is a high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) development located in the Central North Sea on UK licence P1622 Block 22/29C, 17km south of the BP Operated ETAP Central Processing Facility (CPF). Proved plus probable gross reserves are estimated at 50 million boe.

TechnipFMC has now deployed the Apache II pipelay vessel to start the pipe-in-pipe installation, laying approximately 5km of pipe connecting the Egret manifold to the Seagull development.

Neptune Energy’s UK Managing Director, Alexandra Thomas, said: “Seagull is an important project for Neptune, its partners, and the UK. It is expected to produce 50,000 boe per day (gross) and supports UK security of supply.

"This is a key milestone for Seagull – the first step in offshore execution of the project. We continue to work with our contractors and suppliers, focussing on the safe deployment of people, vessels, and equipment and managing the challenges associated with the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

TechnipFMC’s Normand Mermaid vessel was mobilized in late August to provide pre-lay activities, including surveying and boulder removal. Following the pipe installation, its Normand Ranger will carry out trenching activities for the development.

The Seagull development will be tied back to the ETAP Central Processing Facility, partially utilizing existing subsea infrastructure. Gas from the development will come onshore at the CATS processing terminal at Teesside, while oil will come onshore through the Forties Pipeline System to the Kinneil Terminal, Grangemouth.

Neptune, which bought its 35% interest in Seagull from Apache North Sea Limited in 2018, is the operator of Seagull. Its partners in the North Sea project are BP with 50 percent and JAPEX with 15 percent.

The final investment decision for Seagull was made in March 2019, when it was said that the first oil could be expected at the end of 2021.

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標(biāo)簽:海王星 海底建設(shè) ETAP平臺(tái)
