
作者: 2020年09月25日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)天然氣加工&液化天然氣2020年9月23日維也納報道,奧地利油氣集團(OMV) 23日宣布,該公司將把其旗下的天然氣管道子公司的多數(shù)股權出售給其競爭對手奧地利最大能源公司Verbund電力公司,這筆交易將幫助OMV減少債務

據(jù)天然氣加工&液化天然氣2020年9月23日維也納報道,奧地利油氣集團(OMV) 23日宣布,該公司將把其旗下的天然氣管道子公司的多數(shù)股權出售給其競爭對手奧地利最大能源公司Verbund電力公司,這筆交易將幫助OMV減少債務,并為其收購一家領先的塑料制造商提供資金。







李峻 編譯自 Gas Processing & LNG


Austrian utility OMV sells gas pipeline unit to Verbund

Austrian utility OMV has announced it will sell a majority stake in its gas pipeline subsidiary to rival Verbund, a deal that will help OMV reduce debt and finance its acquisition of a leading plastics maker.

In early March, OMV had said it would make divestitures worth $2.3 billion to finance a multi-billion dollar deal to buy one of the world's leading polymer producers, Borealis.

For OMV, this transaction will also lead to a debt reduction of more than 570 million euros ($666.16 million), it said.

Verbund will buy a 51% stake for 271 million euros in cash and assume its outstanding liabilities to OMV as of the date of transaction, the companies said.

At the end of 2019, the debt amounted to 165 million euros.

The two companies had held exclusive negotiations for months until Verbund submitted a binding offer in mid-June.

The buyer added it does not expect the transaction to have any effects on its full-year 2020 guidance as the closing will not take place until 2021.

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