
作者: 2020年09月24日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)9月22日Energy Voice報道,知情人士表示,隨著美國石油巨頭??松梨?ExxonMobil)尋求完全退出北海油氣區(qū)域,該公司在英國北海的資產(chǎn)吸引了多家國有和私營石油企業(yè)的競購。

據(jù)9月22日Energy Voice報道,知情人士表示,隨著美國石油巨頭埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)尋求完全退出北海油氣區(qū)域,該公司在英國北海的資產(chǎn)吸引了多家國有和私營石油企業(yè)的競購。


知情人士稱,Tailwind Energy的股權(quán)合伙人是大宗商品交易商摩科瑞能源集團(tuán)(Mercuria Energy Group),該公司提交了報價,NEO Energy和Siccar Point Energy也提交了報價。兩名知情人士表示,最近收購北海公司Rockrose Energy的新公司Viaro Energy也參與了競標(biāo)。


這筆交易建立在??松梨诔烦鰵W洲(這是其數(shù)十億美元全球撤資計劃的一部分)以及重新關(guān)注美國業(yè)務(wù)的基礎(chǔ)上。該公司去年退出了挪威市場,將其資產(chǎn)以45億美元的價格賣給了Var Energy。



王佳晶 摘譯自 Energy Voice


EnQuest, Sinopec ‘a(chǎn)mong bidders’ for ExxonMobil UK North Sea oil and gas fields

ExxonMobil’s UK North Sea assets have attracted suitors from state-owned companies to private equity-backed firms as the US oil giant seeks to exit the aging region altogether, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (Kufpec) and the UK’s EnQuest are among bidders, the people said, asking not to be identified as the process isn’t public. Exxon started the sale in July following delays caused by the spread of the coronavirus and slumping oil prices.

Tailwind Energy, whose equity partner is commodity trader Mercuria Energy Group, also submitted a bid, as did NEO Energy and Siccar Point Energy, according to the people. Newcomer Viaro Energy, which recently acquired North Sea company Rockrose Energy, is involved in the process as well, two people said.

Exxon is offering its stake in 15 fields, which are expected to produce 37,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day net to the company this year, according to marketing documents seen by Bloomberg. Stakes in pipeline infrastructure as well as two exploration areas are also up for grabs.

The sale builds on Exxon’s retreat from Europe as part of a multibillion-dollar global divestment plan and a renewed focus on US operations. The company exited Norway last year, selling its assets to Var Energi for $4.5 billion.

Exxon previously said it’s “exploring market interest for a number of assets worldwide, including its interest in non-operated assets in the UK central and northern North Sea.” It had no further comment to add for this story.

Sinopec and EnQuest declined to comment, as did NEO Energy and Viaro. Kufpec didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. Tailwind Energy and Siccar Point also didn’t respond.

Binding bids are due in October, and the deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021, the people said.

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標(biāo)簽:??松梨?/a> 英國北海 油氣
