
作者: 2020年09月23日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)鉆機(jī)地帶9月18日彭博社報道, 墨西哥石油公司(PetroleosMexicanos)預(yù)計,未來三年石油出口將大幅下降,因?yàn)樵摴久媾R著產(chǎn)量下降和投資80億美元新建的煉油廠供應(yīng)原油的雙重挑戰(zhàn)。

據(jù)鉆機(jī)地帶9月18日彭博社報道, 墨西哥石油公司(PetroleosMexicanos)預(yù)計,未來三年石油出口將大幅下降,因?yàn)樵摴久媾R著產(chǎn)量下降和投資80億美元新建的煉油廠供應(yīng)原油的雙重挑戰(zhàn)。





一些批判人士認(rèn)為,Dos Bocas煉油廠在2023年完工的計劃過于雄心勃勃。目前運(yùn)營的6家工廠只有其產(chǎn)能的三分之一,而一旦汽油產(chǎn)量增加,就會出現(xiàn)額外的虧損。

Pemex在中斷一年半后,于去年12月恢復(fù)了 Isthmus原油出口。但隨著Pemex努力扭轉(zhuǎn)連續(xù)15年的產(chǎn)量下滑,較重品級的出口出現(xiàn)下滑。據(jù)彭博社收集的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,今年7月,該公司每天出口88.8萬桶重質(zhì)原油,較上年同期下降23%,其中包括Maya、Altamira和Talam。8月份墨西哥國家石油公司近80%的原油發(fā)貨量來自瑪雅。

郝芬 譯自 鉆機(jī)地帶


Pemex Sees Plunge in Oil Exports

Petroleos Mexicanos expects a drastic drop in oil exports over the next three years as the company faces the twin challenges of declining output and supplying crude to a controversial new $8 billion refinery championed.

Pemex, as the state oil company is also called, is forecasting a reduction of almost 70% in exports of its flagship heavy crude known as Maya between 2021 and 2023, according to two people familiar with the situation. It expects to cut Maya exports by almost half between next year and 2022 and lower them again between 2022 and 2023, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information hasn’t been made public.

A Pemex representative didn’t respond to a request for comment.

AMLO swept into power in December 2018 promising to rescue Pemex by dialing back his predecessor’s 2013-2014 energy reforms, which had ended the company’s nearly eight decades-long monopoly. He has also pledged to ramp up domestic fuel production to reduce dependence on gasoline imports, which account for about 65% of what Pemex sells in Mexico.

At the heart of this policy is a new refinery that will process Maya. Mexico’s six existing refineries blend Maya and a lighter domestic crude, Isthmus. The new plant being built in state of Tabasco will have the capacity to process 340,000 barrels of oil a day.

The timeline for finishing the Dos Bocas refinery by 2023 is viewed by some critics as overly ambitious. The six plants currently operating do so at just one-third of their capacity and post additional losses when they produce more gasoline.

Pemex restarted exports of Isthmus crude in December after not doing so for a year and a half. But exports of heavier grades have fallen as Pemex struggles to reverse 15 consecutive years of output declines. In July, the company exported 888,000 barrels a day of heavy crudes including Maya, Altamira and Talam, a 23% drop from a year earlier. Maya represented almost 80% of Pemex’s crude shipments in August, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

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標(biāo)簽:墨國油 石油出口
