
作者: 2020年09月10日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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IEA能源市場和安全主管Keisuke Sadamori表示,石油市場前景不確定性很大,但預(yù)計未來幾個月不會出現(xiàn)進(jìn)一步的嚴(yán)重放緩情況。盡管市場預(yù)計不會很快恢復(fù)真正強(qiáng)勁的增長,但需求較三個月前更為穩(wěn)定。

原油價格LCOc1 CLc1在春季爆跌至歷史低點(diǎn),因疫情的封鎖打壓了需求,雖然目前降幅有所縮減,但仍停留在每桶40美元附近。






IEA sees oil market stuck between no major slowdown but stalled recovery

The global economy is likely not headed for any major slowdown due to COVID-19 but piled-up storage and uncertainty over oil demand cloud oil markets’ recovery, an official with International Energy Agency (IEA) said.

Keisuke Sadamori, IEA director for energy markets and security, told Reuters the outlook for oil was in the midst of either a second wave or a steady first wave of the coronavirus.

“There is an enormous amount of uncertainty, but we don’t expect any additional serious slowdown in the coming months.”

“Even though (the market is) not expecting real robust growth coming back soon, the view on demand is more stable compared with three months ago,” he said in an interview.

Crude prices LCOc1 CLc1 plunged in spring to historic lows as the pandemic’s lockdowns crushed demand, and have pared losses but remained stuck near $40 a barrel.

The IEA cut its 2020 oil demand forecast in its monthly report on Aug. 13, warning that reduced air travel would lower global oil demand by 8.1 million barrels per day (bpd).

The Paris-based agency downgraded its outlook for the first time in three months, as the epidemic continues to wreak economic pain and job losses worldwide.

With Brent crude registering its first weekly loss since June on Friday, markets have grown increasingly nervous over demand, poor refining margins and slow economic growth, reducing incentives to draw crude and products from abundant stocks.

“It doesn’t seem like a massive stock draw seems to be happening yet,” Sadamori said.

“We are not seeing a robust pickup in refining activity, and jet fuel is the big problem,” he added.

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