
作者: 2020年09月07日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)ICIS網(wǎng)站9月3日消息 根據(jù)MRC ScanPlast的一份報(bào)告,2020年1-7月俄羅斯聚丙烯(PP)產(chǎn)量在ZapSibNeftekhim綜合設(shè)施啟動(dòng)后同比增長(zhǎng)24%,達(dá)到110萬(wàn)噸。

據(jù)ICIS網(wǎng)站9月3日消息 根據(jù)MRC ScanPlast的一份報(bào)告,2020年1-7月俄羅斯聚丙烯(PP)產(chǎn)量在ZapSibNeftekhim綜合設(shè)施啟動(dòng)后同比增長(zhǎng)24%,達(dá)到110萬(wàn)噸。

2020年1-7月,SIBUR Tobolsk聚丙烯產(chǎn)量為26萬(wàn)噸,同比下降9%;同樣位于托博爾斯克的ZapSibNeftekhim在2020年前7個(gè)月的產(chǎn)量為24.17萬(wàn)噸。

Omsk Poliom在1-7月內(nèi)生產(chǎn)了9.4萬(wàn)噸聚丙烯,下降了13%。Nizhnekamskneftekhim生產(chǎn)了12.9萬(wàn)噸,比去年略有增長(zhǎng)。



王磊 摘譯自 ICIS


Russia PP output up 24% in January-July

Russia’s output of polypropylene (PP) increased in the first seven months of 2020 by 24%, year on year, to 1.1m tonnes after the start up of the ZapSibNeftekhim complex, according to an MRC ScanPlast report.

SIBUR Tobolsk PP output stood at 260,000 tonnes in January-July 2020, down by 9% year on year; ZapSibNeftekhim, also in Tobolsk, produced 241,700 tonnes in the first seven months of 2020.

Omsk Poliom produced 94,000 tonnes of PP over the stated period, down 13%, while Nizhnekamskneftekhim produced 129,000 tonnes, slightly up from last year.

Tomskneftekhim’s output stood at 90,000 tonnes, slightly up year on year, while Ufaorgsintez’s PP production reached 76,200 tonnes, down by 3%.

Neftekhimiya, in Kapotnya produced 87,900 tonnes of PP in the first seven months of 2020, up by 6% year on year, while Stavrolen (subsidiary of Lukoil) produced 68,800 tonnes during the period, slightly up from last year.

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