
作者: 2020年09月07日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)美國鉆井網(wǎng)站2020年9月3日報道,根據(jù)惠譽(yù)集團(tuán)旗下的惠譽(yù)解決方案國家風(fēng)險和行業(yè)研究公司(Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research)的最新油價報告,布倫特原油均價從2020年到2024年每桶將上漲14美元。

據(jù)美國鉆井網(wǎng)站2020年9月3日報道,根據(jù)惠譽(yù)集團(tuán)旗下的惠譽(yù)解決方案國家風(fēng)險和行業(yè)研究公司(Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research)的最新油價報告,布倫特原油均價從2020年到2024年每桶將上漲14美元。


彭博共識(Bloomberg Consensus)預(yù)測,今年布倫特原油均價將在每桶42.4美元,2021年每桶50美元,2022年每桶53美元,2023年每桶55美元以及2024年每桶60.4美元。



李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網(wǎng)站


Brent Oil Price to Grow by $14

The average price of Brent crude oil will increase by $14 per barrel from 2020 to 2024, according to Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research’s latest oil price report.

Fitch Solutions expects Brent to average $44 per barrel this year, before growing to average $51 per barrel in 2021, $53 per barrel in 2022, $55 per barrel in 2023 and $58 per barrel in 2024.

The Bloomberg Consensus forecasts that Brent will average $42.4 per barrel in 2020, $50 per barrel in 2021, $53 per barrel in 2022, $55 per barrel in 2023 and $60.4 per barrel in 2024.

“Our view remains that the market will continue to rebalance over H220 and into 2021, driving a continued drawdown of global inventories and further gains in prices,” Fitch Solutions analysts stated in the report, which was sent to Rigzone on Wednesday.

“However, the pace of the rebalancing will slow, reflecting a more gradual recovery on the demand side, and a return of shut-in wells and the unwinding of the OPEC+ deal on the supply side,” the analysts added in the report.

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