
作者: 2020年09月04日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T


日本航運公司NYK Line、Eneos、工程公司川崎重工(KHI)和東芝能源系統(tǒng)公司本月將啟動一項示范項目,開發(fā)大功率氫動力燃料電池船,并將其商業(yè)化。該項目的目標是發(fā)展一艘總噸位為150噸的氫燃料電池客運渡輪,計劃于2024年開始試航。

NYK Line將管理整個項目,同時還協(xié)助船舶設計和法律法規(guī)。東芝將在船上安裝大功率燃料電池系統(tǒng)并開發(fā)操作技術,而KHI將負責開發(fā)船上的氫氣供應系統(tǒng)和能源管理系統(tǒng)。日本船級社ClassNK將合作對已開發(fā)船只的安全性進行評估。



日本正致力于在2028-2030年間實現(xiàn)零碳排放船的商業(yè)化,以減少全球航運業(yè)的排放。航運公司三井OSK Lines還與電動船開發(fā)商e5 Lab合作開發(fā)配備氫燃料電池系統(tǒng)的混合動力汽車。

馮娟 摘譯自 阿格斯


Japan plans trial of hydrogen-fuelled ferry in 2024

A group of Japanese firms including oil refiner Eneos aims to begin pilot operation of a high-power hydrogen fuel cell passenger ferry at Yokohama port in 2024, eyeing the development and commercialisation of a hydrogen value chain for domestic coastal shipping in Japan.

Japanese shipping firm NYK Line, Eneos and engineering firms Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) and Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions are set to launch a demonstration project this month to develop and commercialise high-power hydrogen-powered fuel cell vessels. The project aims to develop a 150/gross-tonne hydrogen fuel cell passenger ferry for the planned trial beginning in 2024.

NYK Line will manage the whole project, while also assisting in a ship design and legal compliance. Toshiba will install a high-power fuel cell system on ships and develop operation technology, while KHI will be in charge of developing an onboard hydrogen supply system and energy management system. Japanese classification society ClassNK will co-operate in the safety assessment of the developed vessels.

Eneos is responsible for developing a hydrogen fuel supply system to demonstrate hydrogen supply in the pilot operation. The company, formerly known as JXTG, has strengthened efforts to shift to low-carbon energy, such as hydrogen and renewables.

Eneos has been actively expanding its hydrogen production and supply infrastructure, hoping to tap potential growth in hydrogen use for automobiles and ships. The company and power venture Jera in late August jointly opened a large-scale hydrogen supply station in Tokyo with an on-site facility to produce hydrogen from city gas piped from the Ohgishima City Gas Supply facility, a joint venture of Jera, Eneos and gas utility Osaka Gas.

Eneos operates 43 hydrogen stations nationwide. The company is also in an Australian-Japanese venture to export to the Japanese market hydrogen produced in Australia from coal.

Japan is working to commercialise zero-carbon emitting vessels in 2028-30 as part of efforts to reduce the global shipping industry's emissions. Shipping firm Mitsui OSK Lines is also co-operating with electric ship developer e5 Lab to develop a hybrid car carrier equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell system.

全球化工設備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉載請務必注明來源:全球化工設備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標簽:氫燃料 渡輪 東芝
