大韓造船和DNV GL攜手開發(fā)小型LPG運輸船

作者: 2020年09月04日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)世界天然氣9月1日消息稱,韓國大韓造船公司已與船級社DNV GL簽訂了一項聯(lián)合開發(fā)項目,開發(fā)小型液化石油氣運輸船。

據(jù)世界天然氣9月1日消息稱,韓國大韓造船公司已與船級社DNV GL簽訂了一項聯(lián)合開發(fā)項目,開發(fā)小型液化石油氣運輸船。



DHSC總裁兼首席執(zhí)行官Seong Jeong說:“DHSC已經(jīng)確立了其作為一個可靠的造船商的地位,有能力建造除天然氣運輸船以外的不同類型的船。隨著行業(yè)的瞬息萬變,我我們現(xiàn)正發(fā)展石油氣運輸船,以加強競爭力,并向船東展示我們的技術實力。”

DNV GL將根據(jù)相關規(guī)則和規(guī)章對船舶的基本和詳細設計進行審查,并提供技術意見和建議,以幫助加強設計發(fā)展。

曹海斌 摘譯自 世界天然氣

Daehan Shipbuilding, DNV GL join forces on developing small-scale LPG carriers

Korea’s Daehan Shipbuilding has entered into a joint development project with classification society DNV GL to develop small-size LPG carriers.

Due to tightened emission regulations and a shale gas boom, the demand for LPG and LNG carriers is expected to increase. A hike in freight rates also stimulates the growth in LPG carrier orders.

To keep pace with this industrial trend and seize opportunities, Daehan Shipbuilding has decided to diversify its ship type lines and start to develop LPG carriers.

“DHSC already established its position as a reliable shipbuilder with the capability to build different ship types other than gas carriers. As the industry is changing rapidly, we are now strengthening our competitiveness by developing LPG carriers and show our technological competence to ship owners,” said Seong Jeong, DHSC President & CEO.

DNV GL will review the basic and detailed designs for the vessels in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations and provide technical advice and recommendations to help enhance the design development.

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