
作者: 2020年08月13日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)Azernews網(wǎng)站8月10日消息 阿塞拜疆巴庫(kù)造船廠根據(jù)里海航運(yùn)公司的訂單正在建造該國(guó)第二艘油輪Kalbajar。

據(jù)Azernews網(wǎng)站8月10日消息 阿塞拜疆巴庫(kù)造船廠根據(jù)里海航運(yùn)公司的訂單正在建造該國(guó)第二艘油輪Kalbajar。




該船基于Volga-Don MAKS項(xiàng)目,由Odessa海洋工程局和ASCO經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的專家合作設(shè)計(jì),并有可能以最大載貨量穿越伏爾加-唐運(yùn)河。





吳恒磊 編譯自 Azernews


Second oil tanker under construction in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan's shipyard plant Baku Shipyard is constructing the country's second oil tanker "Kalbajar" upon the Caspian Shipping Company’s order.

The new generation tanker is 141 meters long, 16.9 meters wide and 6 meters high. The ship with a crew of 15 people will be able to move at a speed of 10 knots per hour.

The construction is partially complete. The rest of the completion works will be continued at the Shipyard berth. For this purpose, the tanker "Kalbajar" was lowered from the construction site of the shipyard to the sea by hydraulic bogies through the float.

Moreover, the tanker has 6 cargo tanks with a total capacity of 9,212 cubic meters to carry crude oil and petroleum products. With deadweight of 7,875 tons at sea and 5,447 tons on the river, the vessel is equipped with two “Wartsila” engines, each rated at 1200 kW.

The concept of this vessel was developed in cooperation with Odessa Marine Engineering Bureau and ASCO experienced specialists. Thus, the vessel is designed under the Volga-Don MAKS project and has a possibility of crossing the Volga-Don Canal with maximum cargo capacity.

After the operational tests at the berth of the plant, tanker "Kelbajar" will be tested at the sea. It is planned to operate the tanker in foreign waters.

This vessel is the second oil tanker built at Baku Shipyard. The first tanker “Lachin”, commissioned last year, is already used in external waters.

Additionally, following the schedule, two more vessels of the same type ordered by ASCO are under construction.

Along with this, at present, negotiations with the Baku Shipyard on the construction of ships for various purposes for the ASCO fleet are continuing.

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標(biāo)簽:阿塞拜疆 油輪
