
作者: 2020年08月06日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
諾瓦泰克宣布,全資子公司NOVATEK- tarkosaleneftegas開始在俄羅斯北部和東部tazovskoye氣田凝析氣層進行試點生產(chǎn),累計生產(chǎn)77億立方米天然氣和100萬噸凝析氣層。

諾瓦泰克宣布,全資子公司NOVATEK- tarkosaleneftegas開始在俄羅斯北部和東部tazovskoye氣田凝析氣層進行試點生產(chǎn),累計生產(chǎn)77億立方米天然氣和100萬噸凝析氣層。

諾瓦泰克管理委員會主席Leonid Mikhelson指出:“我們在統(tǒng)一天然氣供應(yīng)系統(tǒng)領(lǐng)域的產(chǎn)量增長仍然是公司戰(zhàn)略的關(guān)鍵優(yōu)先事項之一?!?/span>


北North Russkoye集群是諾瓦泰克重要的綠地開發(fā)項目。它由四個油田組成——北Russkoye,東Tazovskoye, Kharbeyskoye和Dorogovskoye,它們位于西伯利亞西部Nadym-Pur-Taz地區(qū)。

North Russkoye氣田的天然氣產(chǎn)量將有助于抵消諾瓦泰克成熟期資產(chǎn)(如Yurkharovskoye或Tarkosaleneftegaz油田)產(chǎn)量下降的影響。天然氣將進入統(tǒng)一供氣系統(tǒng)(UGSS),并在國內(nèi)市場銷售。

趙斌 編譯自 Neftegaz.RU


Novatek commenced gas condensate production at the North-Russkiy Cluster

NOVATEK announced that NOVATEK-Tarkosaleneftegas, a wholly owned subsidiary, commenced pilot production from gas condensate bearing layers of the North-Russkoye and East-Tazovskoye fields with cumulative total annual production capacity of 7.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 1 million tons of gas condensate.

“Our production growth in the area of the Unified Gas Supply System remains one of the key priorities of the company's Strategy,” noted Leonid Mikhelson, NOVATEK’s Chairman of the Management Board.

“Natural gas produced in the North-Russkiy cluster is intended for the Russian domestic market, which has proved to be very stable as compared to international markets in the recent months. Moreover, the additional volumes of gas condensate will ensure full utilization of our processing facilities”, Mikhelson noted.

The North Russkoye cluster is a key greenfield development for NOVATEK. It consists of four fields - North Russkoye, East Tazovskoye, Kharbeyskoye and Dorogovskoye - that lie in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region of West Siberia.

Gas production from the North Russkoye cluster will help offset decline at NOVATEK's mature assets such as Yurkharovskoye or Tarkosaleneftegaz fields. Gas will feed into the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) and be sold on the domestic market.

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標簽:諾瓦泰克 凝析油
