
作者: 2020年08月06日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)8月3日Trade Arabia 消息:Petrofac工程和生產(chǎn)服務(wù)部門宣布與英國(guó)NEO能源公司簽訂了一份為期兩年的合同。

據(jù)8月3日Trade Arabia 消息:Petrofac工程和生產(chǎn)服務(wù)部門宣布與英國(guó)NEO能源公司簽訂了一份為期兩年的合同。




西半球的Petrofac工程和生產(chǎn)服務(wù)總經(jīng)理尼克·肖特表示:“通過(guò)部署廣泛的資產(chǎn)和井管理專業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn),我們將與NEO Energy緊密合作,以確保其油井的完整性并提供安全和成本高效的建設(shè)。該項(xiàng)目建立在我們?yōu)橛?guó)大陸架地區(qū)客戶提供油井運(yùn)營(yíng)商服務(wù)的基礎(chǔ)上,使我們?cè)谠撆璧氐挠途M合規(guī)模達(dá)到50個(gè)?!?/span>


馮娟 摘譯自 Trade Arabia


Petrofac wins 2-year contract with UK’s NEO Energy

Petrofac’s Engineering and Production Services (EPS) business has announced the award of a two-year contract with UK’s NEO Energy.

Under the terms of the agreement, Petrofac will provide Well Management and Well Operator support for 25 production wells across the Affleck, Balloch, Dumbarton, Flyndre and Lochranza fields. The contract also positions Petrofac to support future well construction and intervention campaigns.

Today’s announcement builds on Petrofac’s previously awarded Integrated Services Contract for NEO Energy, through which it provides ongoing operational, maintenance, engineering and construction support in support of the Operator’s UK activities.

As Well Operator, Petrofac will be responsible for direct procurement and management of all sub-contracted services. Petrofac will also deploy its industry-leading project management software, Turus, to ensure efficient and assured project delivery.

Nick Shorten, Managing Director for Petrofac Engineering and Production Services in the Western Hemisphere, said: “Through the deployment of our extensive asset and well management expertise, we will work closely with NEO Energy to assure the integrity of its wells and deliver safe and cost efficient construction in support of any future field development.

“This award builds on our existing track record for delivering Well Operator services for clients in the UKCS, bringing the size of our well portfolio in the basin to 50.”

Petrofac pioneered the outsourced Well Operator model in 2015. Under regulations set by the Offshore Safety Directive Regulator, it takes responsibility for the monitoring and management of wells on behalf of its clients. Petrofac is currently Well Operator for seven North Sea clients.

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標(biāo)簽:Petrofac 英國(guó)NEO能源
