
作者: 2020年07月31日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)油氣新聞網(wǎng)站7月29日消息 在簽署一項重大協(xié)議后,沙特基礎工業(yè)公司在西班牙卡塔赫納的聚碳酸酯工廠將成為全球首個完全依靠可再生能源運營的大型化工生產(chǎn)基地。

據(jù)油氣新聞網(wǎng)站7月29日消息 在簽署一項重大協(xié)議后,沙特基礎工業(yè)公司在西班牙卡塔赫納的聚碳酸酯工廠將成為全球首個完全依靠可再生能源運營的大型化工生產(chǎn)基地。






伊貝德羅拉公司客戶全球總監(jiān)I?igo Alonso解釋說:“這些伙伴關系提高了可再生能源的競爭力,并繼續(xù)為發(fā)展創(chuàng)新項目創(chuàng)造機會,這些項目正在改變能源的當前和未來。長期能源采購合同為投資提供了穩(wěn)定性,已成為管理主要消費者電力供應的最佳工具,致力于清潔和可持續(xù)能源?!?/span>

王磊 摘譯自 油氣新聞


Sabic plant world first to run on 100pc renewable power

Sabic’s polycarbonate facility in Cartagena, Spain, is set to become the world’s first large-scale chemical production site to be run entirely on renewable power, following the signing of a major agreement.

The deal will see Iberdrola, one of the world’s biggest electricity utility companies, invest almost €70 million ($82 million) to construct a 100-MW solar PV facility with 263,000 panels, on land owned by Sabic, making it the largest industrial renewable power plant in Europe. The plant is expected to be fully operational in 2024.

The 25-year deal represents another milestone in Sabic’s journey to transition all its global operations to cleaner energy. Sabic’s ambition is to have 4 GW of either wind or solar energy installed for its sites globally by 2025, rising to 12 GW by 2030. In 2019, solar panels were installed at Sabic sites in India and Thailand, helping reduce greenhouse emissions by 200 tons, and Sabic’s Home of Innovation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has been completely solar-powered since 2015.

Bob Maughon, EVP Sustainability, Technology and Innovation and CTO and CSO at Sabic, said: “This ground-breaking deal with Iberdrola is a significant step towards achieving our long-term sustainability and clean energy targets. Partnerships of this kind are the cornerstone of our business growth model. The solar PV powered plant in Cartagena demonstrates that Sabic continues to drive the sustainability agenda in the chemicals industry and that a transition on such a large scale is possible.

“In recent years, the many breakthroughs in renewable energy technology have made deployment at this kind of scale possible. Our commitment to technology and innovation means we will always be early adopters, and we are optimally positioned to undertake this transformation right now. The new PV plant will deliver an 80 kt annual reduction in indirect CO2 emissions, and furthers strengthens our support and contribution to wider climate change initiatives like EU 2030 and our alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Once the solar plant comes on line, Sabic’s customers, including those in the automotive and construction sectors, will have access to polycarbonate solutions produced with 100% renewable power, further responding to customer and consumer demands for more sustainable solutions in an increasingly carbon-neutral world.

"These partnerships enhance the competitiveness of renewables and continue to create opportunities for the development of innovative projects that are transforming the present and the future of energy. The long-term energy purchase contracts provide stability to investments and have become an optimal tool for managing the electricity supply of major consumers, committed to clean and sustainable energy sources", explained I?igo Alonso, Corporate Customer Global Director of Iberdrola.

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