
作者: 2020年07月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)電力新聞2020年7月27日倫敦報道,英國電動汽車(EV)充電樁公司Pod Point洞察力主管詹姆斯· 梅克邁7月27日告訴記者,Pod Point最近幾個月EV充電樁銷售強勢回歸,正在收復(fù)早期封鎖期間的失地。

據(jù)電力新聞2020年7月27日倫敦報道,英國電動汽車(EV)充電樁公司Pod Point洞察力主管詹姆斯· 梅克邁7月27日告訴記者,Pod Point最近幾個月EV充電樁銷售強勢回歸,正在收復(fù)早期封鎖期間的失地。

Pod Point最近剛剛完成了在200個樂購?fù)\噲鰞?nèi)安裝充電樁的工作,同時與大眾汽車公司一起推出了600個充電樁的安裝計劃。在4月和5月的禁售期受到嚴(yán)重影響以后,Pod Point目前的家庭充電樁安裝水平已恢復(fù)到了疫情爆發(fā)前的水平。




李峻 編譯自 電力新聞


UK EV charge point installation 'coming back strong' after lockdown: Pod Point

UK electric vehicle charger company Pod Point has seen strong sales in recent months and is recovering ground lost during the early lockdown, the company's Head of Insights James McKemey told July 27.

The company has just completed installing chargers across 200 Tesco car parks as it rolls out a 600-site program with Volkswagen, and is now back to pre-Covid levels of monthly home charger installations after a lockdown-affected April and May.

"We were in a phase of strong growth pre-lockdown, and it seems largely to be returning," McKemey said.

While the outlook was uncertain for workplace and retail charging growth due to work-from-home patterns and reduced footfall, McKemey remained positive.

"We don't know how much awareness of environmental improvement due to lockdown will carry over into a recovery, but we're heading into a sustained period of economic difficulty, so decisions need to be long-term and sound. Nobody is going to advise investment in diesel passenger cars, and the CEO of Volvo has been forthright in his belief that electrification will accelerate," he said.

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標(biāo)簽:英國 電動汽車 充電樁
