卡塔爾工業(yè)上半年利潤(rùn)4.85億里亞爾 收入49億里亞爾

作者: 2020年07月30日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)海灣時(shí)報(bào)網(wǎng)站7月28日消息 卡塔爾工業(yè)(IQ)作為石油化工、化肥和鋼鐵業(yè)務(wù)的控股公司,公布稱今年上半年凈利潤(rùn)為4.85億里亞爾,總收入為49億里亞爾。

據(jù)海灣時(shí)報(bào)網(wǎng)站7月28日消息 卡塔爾工業(yè)(IQ)作為石油化工、化肥和鋼鐵業(yè)務(wù)的控股公司,公布稱今年上半年凈利潤(rùn)為4.85億里亞爾,總收入為49億里亞爾。

能源事務(wù)國(guó)務(wù)部長(zhǎng)兼卡塔爾工業(yè)主席兼董事總經(jīng)理HE Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi表示:“盡管全球市場(chǎng)面臨極其嚴(yán)峻的形勢(shì),但我們的運(yùn)營(yíng)和財(cái)務(wù)狀況繼續(xù)保持彈性,并有效應(yīng)對(duì)了近期不利因素帶來(lái)的不斷變化的挑戰(zhàn)?!?/span>




吳恒磊 編譯自 海灣時(shí)報(bào)


IQ posts H1 profit of QR485mn on QR4.9bn revenues

A holding entity for petrochemicals, fertiliser and steel businesses – has reported net profit of QR485mn on total revenues of QR4.9bn in the first half (H1) of this year.

“Despite extremely challenging circumstances for global markets, our operations and financial position continued to remain resilient and responded effectively to the evolving challenges posed by the recent headwinds,” said HE Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi, Minister of State for Energy Affairs as well as IQ chairman and managing director.

The financial performance was impacted by several external factors, including the global pandemic conditions, significant weaker oil prices and a notable decline in the product demand owing to weaker GDP (gross domestic product) growth, lack of industrial activity and subdued consumer and industrial participation.

These adverse conditions directly translated into declining commodity prices, where average selling prices fell 5% year-on-year (y-o-y), contributing to a QR0.7bn decline in the group’s net profits. The major reduction was noted in the petrochemicals, which accounted for QR0.5bn, and fertiliser accounted for QR0.2bn of the total reduction.

The group’s sales volumes were down 29% year-on-year, driven by a combination of reasons including weaker demand, lower production on account of mothballing of certain steel facilities at Qatar Steel and periodic planned and unplanned maintenance.

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