
作者: 2020年07月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)哈特能源7月27日消息,貿(mào)易商和Refinitiv Eikon的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,美國7月份增加了對(duì)歐洲的石油供應(yīng),這是5月份以來的第一個(gè)月,以彌補(bǔ)歐佩克成員國的減產(chǎn)。

據(jù)哈特能源7月27日消息,貿(mào)易商和Refinitiv Eikon的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,美國7月份增加了對(duì)歐洲的石油供應(yīng),這是5月份以來的第一個(gè)月,以彌補(bǔ)歐佩克成員國的減產(chǎn)。

根據(jù)截至7月24日Refinitiv Eikon的數(shù)據(jù),7月美國對(duì)歐洲的原油供應(yīng)接近3,100萬桶。隨著原油價(jià)格重回40美元/桶上方,美國產(chǎn)油國紛紛搶占市場份額,而歐佩克及其盟友仍在大幅削減供應(yīng)。



程張翔 編譯自 哈特能源


US Oil Exports to Europe Rebound as OPEC+ Cuts Supply

The U.S. has increased oil supply to Europe in July for the first month since May, making up for output cuts from OPEC+ members, according to traders and Refinitiv Eikon data.

U.S. crude supply to Europe reached nearly 31 million barrels in July, according to Refinitiv Eikon data as of July 24. With crude prices back above $40/bbl, U.S. producers have rushed to claim market share while OPEC and allies, known as OPEC+, is still cutting supply drastically.

U.S. supply to Europe peaked at 35 million barrels in April before falling to 24 million and 27 million in May and June, respectively. European refiners are buying cheaper U.S. crude rather than local grades that are more expensive due to OPEC+ limiting supply.

Oil producers in the U.S. have boosted volumes, after curbing shale well output in the spring when prices collapsed. Producers did not shut wells outright, so output rebounded quickly, and those barrels are flooding the market, traders said. U.S. Gulf Coast crude inventories hit a record this month, U.S. Energy Department data shows.

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標(biāo)簽:美國 歐洲 石油
