
作者: 2020年07月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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威爾油氣公司總裁Ronan Le Gloahec表示:“我們很高興通過提供服務(wù),維修和重要的升級來支持我們的客戶,同時幫助他們工程師驅(qū)動的變更管理協(xié)議和生產(chǎn)設(shè)施的周轉(zhuǎn)。根據(jù)這份合同,我們將在未來幾年為客戶的天然氣操作提供支持,這要歸功于我們最先進(jìn)的設(shè)備和國內(nèi)的工程技術(shù)。”

程張翔 編譯自 石油和天然氣管道新聞


Weir Oil & Gas closes contract in Iraq

Weir Oil & Gas Dubai announced it has signed a multi-year multimillion dollar contract in Iraq with a major gas company.

The contract secures the provision of Weir Oil & Gas fabrication, workshop-machining services and field services to support the company’s operations in Iraq, especially with respect to brownfield modifications and rotating equipment maintenance.

Positive past and existing contract performance with the international oil company, Weir Oil & Gas’ capabilities in Iraq, local content, in-house engineering, API and OEM certifications and having a comprehensive international facility near the gas company’s sites were deciding factors in the deal. This contractual agreement further consolidates Weir’s Rig to Grid capabilities in the Middle East.

This is a strategic agreement that will enable Weir to be a key player for the international gas company and allow Weir to expand their portfolio in the specific oil field in which the gas company operates.

“We are pleased to support our clients through providing services, repairs and important upgrades while assisting them with engineer-driven change management protocols and production facility turnarounds,” said Ronan Le Gloahec, Eastern Hemisphere president for Weir Oil & Gas. “With this contract we will support this client’s gas operations for several years to come thanks to our state-of-the-art facility and in-country engineering know-how.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:阿聯(lián)酋韋爾油氣公司 伊拉克
