
作者: 2020年07月27日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)離岸工程網(wǎng)站7月21日消息 伍德麥肯茲表示,印度新的深水天然氣生產(chǎn)可能受到液化天然氣現(xiàn)貨價(jià)格低迷的壓力。

據(jù)離岸工程網(wǎng)站7月21日消息 伍德麥肯茲表示,印度新的深水天然氣生產(chǎn)可能受到液化天然氣現(xiàn)貨價(jià)格低迷的壓力。


伍德麥肯茲首席分析師Alay Patel表示:“來(lái)自深水油田的天然氣將在安得拉邦和更大的古吉拉特邦/馬哈拉施特拉邦出售,在那里將直接與現(xiàn)貨液化天然氣競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。生產(chǎn)商的關(guān)鍵時(shí)期將是2020/2021年,屆時(shí)現(xiàn)貨價(jià)格將保持低位。”



吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程


India's Deepwater Gas Output Pressured by Low Spot LNG Prices

India’s new deepwater gas production could be under pressure from low spot LNG prices, says Wood Mackenzie.

Deepwater is expected to drive India’s gas production growth, adding over 1 billion cubic foot per day (bcfd) of new supply by 2023. However, only 15% or 200 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) of this supply has been contracted to date. With market demand impacted by Covid-19, and low spot LNG prices expected to persist at least until 2022, the full commercialization of these deepwater volumes is at risk.

Wood Mackenzie principal analyst Alay Patel said: “Gas from the deepwater fields will be sold in Andhra Pradesh and the much larger Gujarat/Maharashtra where it will compete against spot LNG directly. The critical period for producers will be the 2020/2021 period when spot prices are set to remain low.

“We estimate that around 35% of uncontracted volumes in 2022 are at a higher risk of being replaced by spot LNG.”

The eastern states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana do not have access to LNG, with the regional pipeline network supplied primarily by ONGC and Reliance’s fields at Kakinada port. With no competition from spot LNG, sellers only need to ensure that gas prices are viable for industrial or power consumers who can absorb incremental volumes.

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標(biāo)簽:印度 深水天然氣 液化天然氣
