
作者: 2020年07月24日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)7月21日阿爾及爾報(bào)道,阿爾及利亞能源部長(zhǎng)阿卜杜勒馬吉德·阿塔爾(Abdelmadjid Attar)周二對(duì)國(guó)家廣播電臺(tái)表示,阿爾及利亞預(yù)計(jì)今年的油氣收入將從2019年的330億美元降至230億美元。

據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)7月21日阿爾及爾報(bào)道,阿爾及利亞能源部長(zhǎng)阿卜杜勒馬吉德·阿塔爾(Abdelmadjid Attar)周二對(duì)國(guó)家廣播電臺(tái)表示,阿爾及利亞預(yù)計(jì)今年的油氣收入將從2019年的330億美元降至230億美元。



阿爾及利亞于2019年11月通過(guò)了一項(xiàng)新能源法,以提高其石油行業(yè)的吸引力,但尚未發(fā)布實(shí)施該法案的文本。 阿塔爾稱,國(guó)際投資者一直在等待他們決定是否前往阿爾及利亞。



郝芬 譯自 能源世界網(wǎng)


Algeria expects energy revenue to fall $10 bln this year

Algeria expects its oil and gas revenue to fall to $23 billion this year from $33 billion in 2019, energy minister Abdelmadjid Attar told state radio on Tuesday.

OPEC member Algeria's revenues from oil and gas sales were at $60 billion in 2014, before a sharp drop in prices.

"We are in a difficult economic situation," Attar, who took over as Algeria's new energy minister earlier this year, told state radio.

Algeria passed a new energy law in November 2019 to make its oil sector more attractive, but has not published the texts to implement it. Attar said international investors have been awaiting these to decide whether to come to Algeria.

The texts will be published before September, he said. Fifty small oil and gas discoveries have been made that need to be developed, he added.

"Foreign firms are welcome to work with (Algerian state energy company) Sonatrach on these fields," Attar said.

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標(biāo)簽:阿爾及利亞 油氣
