Premier Oil簽署收購(gòu)BP北海資產(chǎn)修訂協(xié)議

作者: 2020年07月22日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)7月20日Offshore Energy報(bào)道稱,石油和天然氣公司Premier Oil已與英國(guó)石油公司(BP)簽署了購(gòu)銷協(xié)議,根據(jù)6月公布的修訂條款,收購(gòu)其在Andrew地區(qū)的權(quán)益及其Shearwater資產(chǎn)。

據(jù)7月20日Offshore Energy報(bào)道稱,石油和天然氣公司Premier Oil已與英國(guó)石油公司(BP)簽署了購(gòu)銷協(xié)議,根據(jù)6月公布的修訂條款,收購(gòu)其在Andrew地區(qū)的權(quán)益及其Shearwater資產(chǎn)。

為了提醒大家,Premier和BP簽署了一份6.25億美元的收購(gòu)協(xié)議,收購(gòu)Andrew和Shearwater在英國(guó)北海的資產(chǎn)。油價(jià)隨后暴跌, BP在6月份同意降低銷售價(jià)格。


Premier oil周一表示,在獲得債權(quán)人對(duì)收購(gòu)的批準(zhǔn)后,與這家石油巨頭簽署了修訂后的協(xié)議。





洪偉立 摘譯自 Offshore Energy


Premier Oil signs discount deals for BP’s North Sea assets buy

Oil and gas company Premier Oil has signed sale and purchase agreements with oil major BP for the acquisition of its interests in the Andrew Area and its Shearwater assets, under revised terms announced in June.

To remind, Premier and BP signed a $625 million acquisition of deals for Andrew and Shearwater assets in the UK North Sea. Oil prices then crashed and BP in June agreed to lower the sale price.

In June, Premier announced that it was able to amend terms for the acquisition of the assets. Namely, cash payable at completion is reduced to $210 million while estimated revised abandonment obligations are reduced to around $240 million pre-tax from around $600 million.

Premier Oil said on Monday that the signing of the amended deal with the oil major occurred after the receipt of creditor approval for the acquisitions.

According to the company, the BP acquisitions are conditional on agreeing with terms of the refinancing of Premier’s existing credit facilities, equity funding and customary other approvals, including shareholder approval.

Premier will pay BP $210 million upon completion. The company will fully fund the $210 million completion consideration via an equity raise, expected to include a pre-emptive component. The completion of the acquisitions is scheduled to occur by the end of September 2020.

Also, up to a further currently estimated $115 million would become payable by Premier to BP based on higher future oil and gas prices. This further consideration would be funded by revenues from the acquired assets.

The company stated that BP would retain 100 per cent of the existing Shearwater abandonment costs and 50 per cent of the existing Andrew Area abandonment costs resulting in around $240 million of pre-tax abandonment obligations to be taken on by Premier.

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