李峻 編譯自 天然氣新聞
LNG trade growth to slow to 3%-3.5% in 2020: GECF chief
Global LNG trade is expected to grow by 3%-3.5% in 2020 followed by faster growth in 2021 before a slowdown in thesubsequent two years, the head of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) said July 9.
Global LNG trade surged 13% year on year in 2019 to 354.7 million mt, according to industry group GIIGNL, on the back ofincreased supply capacity.
While the GECF expects global gas demand to fall in 2020 by up to 6% in a worst-case scenario, LNG has shown someresilience.
"In terms of LNG trade, we expect a slowdown in growth to around 3%-3.5% in 2020," ahead of a recovery to growth of6.5%-7% in 2021, GECF secretary general Yury Sentyurin said in a webcast.
"However in 2022-2023, LNG trade growth is projected to slow to around 1.5%-2% per year, driven by a slowdown in new LNGcapacity, which is expected to support a recovery in global spot gas and LNG prices," he said.