
作者: 2020年07月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)7月13日Offshore Energy報道稱,由于天然氣價格較低,荷蘭勘探和生產(chǎn)運營商Tulip Oil已經(jīng)減少了位于北海荷蘭區(qū)Q10-A氣田的天然氣產(chǎn)量。

據(jù)7月13日Offshore Energy報道稱,由于天然氣價格較低,荷蘭勘探和生產(chǎn)運營商Tulip Oil已經(jīng)減少了位于北海荷蘭區(qū)Q10-A氣田的天然氣產(chǎn)量。


在2020年第一季度,Tulip Oil從該氣田生產(chǎn)了1.98億標準立方米天然氣。然而,根據(jù)最新消息,鑒于目前天然氣價格較低,Q10-A油田的產(chǎn)量已部分減少,以保留天然氣。因此,今年第二季度天然氣產(chǎn)量已達1.19億標準立方米。


Tulip Oil說,目前產(chǎn)量維持在每天100萬立方米左右。儲層模型已經(jīng)過校準,并繼續(xù)為未來的兩個Q10井做準備。


洪偉立 摘譯自 Offshore Energy


Dutch operator curbs gas production from North Sea field over low prices

Dutch exploration and production operator Tulip Oil has reduced its gas production from the Q10-A gas field located in the Dutch sector of the North Sea due to low gas prices.

The Q10-A field started producing gas in February 2019. The development required the installation of a 42km pipeline from the Q10-A location to the P15d platform for export.

In the first quarter of 2020, Tulip produced 198 million standard cubic meters of gas from the field.

However, according to Tulip’s update on Monday, the production from the Q10-A field has been partially reduced to “l(fā)eave gas in the ground” in view of the current low gas prices.

As a result, 119 million standard cubic meters of gas have been produced during the second quarter of the year.

The average realized gas price was 5.6 €/MWh during 2Q compared with 9.9 €/MWh in the previous quarter.

Tulip said that the production is being maintained at some 1 million cubic meters of gas per day. The reservoir models have been calibrated and preparations continue for two additional future Q10 wells.

Steps are also being taken to increase production capacity substantially by activating existing third-party compression facilities. Spare production capacity is being managed in conjunction with the gas price outlook.

Tulip Oil added it continues to mature additional new drilling targets predominantly to appraise reservoirs near the producing Q10-A field.

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標簽:Q10 A氣田
