
作者: 2020年07月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)能源新聞7月13日消息稱,Kallanish Energy報道,艾伯塔省將啟動一項新的十年計劃,以增加對石化領域的投資,提高艾伯塔省在全球市場上的競爭力。

據(jù)能源新聞7月13日消息稱,Kallanish Energy報道,艾伯塔省將啟動一項新的十年計劃,以增加對石化領域的投資,提高艾伯塔省在全球市場上的競爭力。




艾伯塔省天然氣和電力部副部長Dale Nally在一份聲明中表示:“艾伯塔省已準備好抓住這個機會,成為石化制造業(yè)的全球目的地,惠及所有艾伯塔省人民?!?/span>

曹海斌 摘譯自 能源新聞


Alberta seeks to boost petrochemical industry

Alberta is kicking off a new 10-year program to boost investments in the petrochemical sector and to make Alberta more competitive in the global market, Kallanish Energy reports.

The Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Plan that will be launched this fall is part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan to get Albertans back to work after the coronavirus pandemic.

The program is intended to help create multi-billion-dollar investments for petrochemical projects to strengthen and diversify the province’s economy.

Alberta, already with a strong petrochemical industry, could see investment in the petrochemical sector grow by $30 billion and 90,000 direct and indirect jobs by 2030, Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association said.

“Alberta is ready to seize the opportunity to become a global destination for petrochemical manufacturing, benefitting all Albertans,” said Dale Nally, associate minister of natural gas and electricity, in a statement.

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