哈里伯頓和Technip FMC聯(lián)手推出海底光纖解決方案

作者: 2020年07月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T




哈里伯頓電纜和射孔副總裁Trey Clark表示:“我們很高興能夠引進(jìn)一種新的技術(shù)平臺(tái),它可以讓我們的客戶實(shí)時(shí)監(jiān)控油藏的動(dòng)態(tài)。




TechnipFMC海底產(chǎn)品管理控制和自動(dòng)化副總裁Christina Johansen說:“該項(xiàng)目提高了客戶對(duì)油藏的理解,拓展了我們獨(dú)特的海底綜合解決方案。



趙斌 編譯自 離岸技術(shù)


Halliburton and TechnipFMC launch subsea fiber optic solution Odassea

Oil field services firm Halliburton and global energy firm TechnipFMC have launched Odassea, which is claimed to be the first distributed acoustic sensing solution for subsea wells.

The Odassea service integrates hardware and digital systems, allowing operators to execute intervention-less seismic imaging and reservoir diagnostics to reduce ownership cost.

Halliburton will provide the fibre optic sensing technology, as well as completions and analysis for reservoir diagnostics, while TechnipFMC will provide the optical connectivity from the topside to the completions.

Halliburton Wireline and Perforating vice-president Trey Clark said: “We are excited to introduce a new technology platform, which allows our customers to monitor reservoir performance in real-time.

“By collaborating with TechnipFMC, we can harness our combined subsurface and subsea expertise to deliver differentiated products to the marketplace that provide value for our customers.”

According to TechnipFMC, oil and gas operators can advance full-field subsea fibre optic sensing, design and execution through the collaboration.

The two companies are delivering technology solutions to various subsea projects at all phases, right from conceptual design to the execution and installation phase.

TechnipFMC Subsea Product Management Control and Automation vice-president Christina Johansen said: “This project enables an enhanced level of reservoir understanding for our customers and expands our unique integrated subsea solution.

“We are proving that we can leverage the competencies and know-how to drive the change our industry needs for a higher level of sustainability.”

In April this year, Halliburton reported a net loss of $1bn for the first quarter of this year and outlined its largest budget cut.

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標(biāo)簽:哈里伯頓 Technip FMC 海底光纖
