
作者: 2020年07月14日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)天然氣資訊7月7日消息稱,新堡壘能源公司宣布,該公司與Centrica LNG公司(Centrica)達(dá)成了一項(xiàng)協(xié)議,終止了新堡壘以1.05億美元的價(jià)格從Centrica購買剩余2020年液化天然氣的義務(wù),以換取1.05億美元的付款。因此,新

據(jù)天然氣資訊7月7日消息稱,新堡壘能源公司宣布,該公司與Centrica LNG公司(Centrica)達(dá)成了一項(xiàng)協(xié)議,終止了新堡壘以1.05億美元的價(jià)格從Centrica購買剩余2020年液化天然氣的義務(wù),以換取1.05億美元的付款。因此,新堡壘現(xiàn)在將能夠在公開市場上以遠(yuǎn)低于此前與Centrica達(dá)成的價(jià)格購買液化天然氣。



首席執(zhí)行官兼董事長Wes Edens表示:“我們能夠靈活地以市場價(jià)格購買液化天然氣,完成了我們從開發(fā)公司向運(yùn)營公司的轉(zhuǎn)型,我們預(yù)計(jì)這將產(chǎn)生可觀的運(yùn)營利潤和現(xiàn)金流。我們將繼續(xù)推進(jìn)一些引人注目的新業(yè)務(wù)機(jī)會(huì),并期待在2020年及以后實(shí)現(xiàn)顯著增長。盡管當(dāng)前存在COVID情況,我們?nèi)該碛蟹浅?qiáng)大的額外管道項(xiàng)目。我們目前的目標(biāo)是在2021年再推出4 - 8個(gè)類似規(guī)模的項(xiàng)目。我們期待在今年為我們的客戶帶來更便宜、更清潔的天然氣和電力?!?/span>

曹海斌 摘譯自 天然氣資訊


New Fortress Energy reduces future LNG supply costs

New Fortress Energy LLC has announced that the Company entered into an agreement with Centrica LNG Company Limited (Centrica) to terminate New Fortress’s obligation to purchase any additional LNG from Centrica for the remainder of 2020 in exchange for a payment of US$105 million. As a result, New Fortress will now be able to purchase LNG in the open market at prices that are significantly lower than the price previously agreed to with Centrica.

As a result of facilities commencing operations in Puerto Rico in addition to Jamaica, New Fortress has made significant progress toward achieving an Illustrative Annualised Operating Margin Goal from Committed Volumes of over US$400 million on an annualised basis during the 3Q20. The company expects its annualised cash SG&A and annualised cash interest payments to be approximately US80 million and US$80 million, respectively, during the same period.

In addition, the Company is currently advancing projects in both Mexico and Nicaragua, with the goal of substantially completing these projects by the end of 2020. Once fully operational, New Fortress aims for these projects to contribute an additional approximately US150 million toward the Company’s Illustrative Annualised Operating Margin Goal from Committed Volumes.

CEO and Chairman Wes Edens remarked, “Our flexibility to opportunistically purchase LNG at market prices completes our transition from a development company to an operating company that we expect will generate significant operating margin and cash flow. We continue to advance a number of compelling new business opportunities and expect significant growth in 2020 and beyond. In spite of the current COVID conditions, we have a very robust pipeline of additional projects. Our current goal is to bring online another 4 - 8 projects in 2021 of similar size and scale. We look forward to bringing more affordable and cleaner natural gas and power to our customers this year.”

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:新堡壘 液化天然氣
