
作者: 2020年07月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T


該協(xié)議旨在支持三方面的項目發(fā)展:促進可持續(xù)運輸領(lǐng)域的液化天然氣和壓縮天然氣基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施;生產(chǎn)和鼓勵消費可再生氣體;推動創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)新項目。該協(xié)議是由BP西班牙石油公司董事長Luis Aires和Enagás首席執(zhí)行官Marcelino Oreja遠程簽署的。

該協(xié)議旨在通過三項行動來支持項目的發(fā)展:促進可持續(xù)運輸領(lǐng)域中液化天然氣和壓縮天然氣的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè);生產(chǎn)和鼓勵使用可再生氣體;以及促進企業(yè)家精神和創(chuàng)新項目。該協(xié)議是由BP OilEspa?a董事長路易斯·艾利斯(Luis Aires)和Enagás首席執(zhí)行官Marcelino Oreja遠程簽署的。

Enagás將通過其子公司Scale Gas,在BP加油站網(wǎng)絡(luò)中開發(fā)LNG和CNG的銷售點,從而促進汽車行業(yè)使用低排放能源作為燃料。




曹海斌 摘譯自 天然氣資訊


Enagas and BP team up to promote LNG and emission reduction

Enagás and BP Oil Espa?a have signed an agreement to promote projects to reduce emissions in Spain.

The agreement aims to support the development of projects in three lines of action: the promotion of infrastructure for LNG and CNG in the field of sustainable transport; the production and encouragement of the consumption of renewable gases; and the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation projects. The agreement was signed remotely by Luis Aires, Chairman of BP Oil Espa?a, and Marcelino Oreja, CEO of Enagás.

The agreement aims to support the development of projects in three lines of action: the promotion of infrastructure for LNG and CNG in the field of sustainable transport; the production and encouragement of the consumption of renewable gases; and the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation projects. The agreement was signed remotely by Luis Aires, Chairman of BP Oil Espa?a, and Marcelino Oreja, CEO of Enagás.

Enagás, through its subsidiary Scale Gas, will develop points of sale of LNG and CNG in the network of BP service stations, thus promoting the use of a low-emission energy source as fuel in the automotive sector.

Another objective of the agreement will be to promote the use of renewable gas in the Spanish market, helping to reduce the carbon footprint and enhancing its role in the energy mix. To this end, BP will acquire the biomethane produced by Enagás’ company, Bioengas, and will also collaborate in the creation of a national market for the purchase and sale of this product and in the identification of new consumption opportunities.

BP’s strategic objective is to supply biomethane from its LNG and compressed gas plants, as well as the possibility of BP’s refinery in Castellón being supplied through biogas, biomethane, or hydrogen plants derived from biogas projects, in line with the strategy towards eco-friendly fuels.

This alliance includes the support and joint development of entrepreneurial and corporate venturing projects in the areas of open innovation, energy transition, and sustainable mobility.

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標簽:Enagás BP西班牙 減排
