
作者: 2020年07月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)烴加工新聞7月8日消息稱,瓦錫蘭技術(shù)集團(tuán)推出其Compact Reliq再液化工廠。該系統(tǒng)設(shè)計用于在氣體運(yùn)輸船和LNG燃料船上重新液化蒸發(fā)氣體(BOG),并在所有操作條件下保持貨物冷卻。其緊湊的設(shè)計使其無需大量改裝即可

據(jù)烴加工新聞7月8日消息稱,瓦錫蘭技術(shù)集團(tuán)推出其Compact Reliq再液化工廠。該系統(tǒng)設(shè)計用于在氣體運(yùn)輸船和LNG燃料船上重新液化蒸發(fā)氣體(BOG),并在所有操作條件下保持貨物冷卻。其緊湊的設(shè)計使其無需大量改裝即可安裝在現(xiàn)有船舶上。

瓦錫蘭船舶系統(tǒng)公司天然氣解決方案銷售和市場總監(jiān)Kjell Ove Ulstein表示:“瓦錫蘭一直是BOG再液化的先驅(qū),而Compact Reliq是我們在這一領(lǐng)域強(qiáng)有力發(fā)展活動的延續(xù)。隨著全球LNG應(yīng)用市場的增長,以適應(yīng)日益嚴(yán)格的環(huán)境法規(guī),在滿足這些不斷增長的需求方面需要更大的靈活性。Compact Reliq是解決難題的重要且創(chuàng)新的新產(chǎn)品?!?/span>

與以前交付的瓦錫蘭再液化系統(tǒng)一樣,Compact Reliq也是基于久經(jīng)考驗的布雷頓技術(shù)。這使得一部分BOG可以用作船舶的燃料,而多余的BOG可以液化并與LNG貨物一起出售。將BOG液化而不是在天然氣燃燒裝置中燃燒也有積極的環(huán)境影響,因為沒有氣體被釋放到大氣中。

該系統(tǒng)的準(zhǔn)備符合瓦錫蘭的智能海事方法,利用最新的數(shù)字技術(shù)優(yōu)化效率。Compact Reliq與瓦錫蘭的操作性能改進(jìn)和監(jiān)控(OPERIM)協(xié)議兼容,并可以完全集成到船舶的計劃維護(hù)系統(tǒng)(PMS)。

曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工新聞


W?rtsil? introduces new reliquefaction plant

The technology group W?rtsil? has introduced its Compact Reliq reliquefaction plant. The system is designed to reliquefy boil-off gas (BOG) onboard gas carriers and LNG bunker vessels, and for keeping the cargo cool under all operational conditions. Its compact design enables it to be installed on existing vessels without extensive modification work.

“W?rtsil? has been a pioneer in BOG reliquefaction and the Compact Reliq is a continuation of our strong development activities in this field. As the global market for LNG applications expands in response to increasing environmental regulations, greater flexibility in meeting these growing needs is required. The Compact Reliq is an important and innovative new piece towards completing the puzzle,” says Kjell Ove Ulstein, Director Sales & Marketing, Gas Solutions, W?rtsil? Marine Systems.

As with previously delivered W?rtsil? reliquefaction systems, the Compact Reliq is based on well-proven Brayton technology. This allows a portion of the BOG to be utilised as fuel for the vessel, while the excess can be liquefied and sold with the LNG cargo. Liquefying the BOG instead of burning it in a Gas Combustion Unit also has a positive environmental effect, as no gases are released into the atmosphere.

The system is prepared in line with W?rtsil?’s Smart Marine approach to take advantage of the latest digital technologies to optimise efficiency. The Compact Reliq is compatible with W?rtsil?’s Operational Performance Improvement and Monitoring (OPERIM) protocol, and can be fully integrated with the ship’s Planned Maintenance System (PMS).

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