
作者: 2020年07月13日 來源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T



它以成熟的、世界級(jí)的技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ),并將創(chuàng)新地整合來自太陽能、風(fēng)能和儲(chǔ)能領(lǐng)域超過4吉瓦的可再生能源;使用蒂森克虜伯技術(shù)通過電解每天生產(chǎn)650噸氫氣;使用空氣產(chǎn)品公司技術(shù)通過空氣分離生產(chǎn)氮?dú)猓皇褂肏aldor Topsoe技術(shù)每年生產(chǎn)120萬噸綠色氨。該項(xiàng)目計(jì)劃于2025年投產(chǎn)。

曹海斌 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿(mào)易

$5bn green hydrogen, ammonia facility planned in NEOM

Air Products, in conjunction with Acwa Power and NEOM, announced the signing of an agreement for a $5 billion world-scale green hydrogen-based ammonia production facility powered by renewable energy in Saudi Arabia.

The joint venture project is the first partnership for NEOM with leading international and national partners in the renewable energy field and it will be a cornerstone for its strategy to become a major player in the global hydrogen market.

It is based on proven, world-class technology and will include the innovative integration of over four gigawatts of renewable power from solar, wind and storage; production of 650 tons per day of hydrogen by electrolysis using thyssenkrupp technology; production of nitrogen by air separation using Air Products technology; and production of 1.2 million tons per year of green ammonia using Haldor Topsoe technology. The project is scheduled to be onstream in 2025.

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