
作者: 2020年07月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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其還預計天然氣日消耗量將從2019年的創(chuàng)紀錄的849.7 億立方英尺下降到2020年的823.5億立方英尺和2021年的786.2億立方英尺。


EIA對2020年7月的天然氣供應預測低于其6月的預測896.5億立方英尺,而其最新的2020年需求前景高于其6月的預測818.7 億立方英尺。

該機構預測,美國液化天然氣出口量將在2020年達到53.5 億立方英尺/天,到2021年將達到72.8億立方英尺/天,高于2019年創(chuàng)紀錄的49.8億立方英尺/天。低于其6月的預測,2020年為57億立方英尺/天,2021年為73.1億立方英尺/天。

郝芬 譯自 能源世界網


US natgas output, demand to fall in 2020, 2021 due to coronavirus

US natural gas production and demand will drop in 2020 and 2021 from record highs last year as government steps to slow the spread of coronavirus cut economic activity and energy prices, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) on Tuesday.

The EIA projected dry gas production will drop to 89.24 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2020 and 84.23 bcfd in 2021 from the all-time high of 92.21 bcfd in 2019.

It also projected gas consumption would fall to 82.35 bcfd in 2020 and 78.62 bcfd in 2021, from a record 84.97 bcfd in 2019.

That would be the first annual decline in consumption since 2017 and the first time demand falls for two consecutive years since 2006.

The EIA's gas supply projection for 2020 in July was lower than its June forecast of 89.65 bcfd, while its latest demand outlook for 2020 was higher than its June forecast of 81.87 bcfd.

The agency forecast US liquefied natural gas exports would reach 5.35 bcfd in 2020 and 7.28 bcfd in 2021, up from a record 4.98 bcfd in 2019. That is lower than its June forecasts of 5.70 bcfd in 2020 and 7.31 bcfd in 2021.

US coal production is expected to fall 29 per cent to 501 million short tons in 2020, which would be its lowest since 1967, before rising to 536 million short tons in 2021 when power plants are expected to burn more coal due to a forecast increase in gas prices, EIA said.

It projected carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels will fall to 4.507 billion tonnes in 2020, the lowest since 1983, from 5.130 billion tonnes in 2019, the lowest since 1992, before rising to 4.775 billion tonnes in 2021 as coal use increases.

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標簽:美國 天然氣
