
作者: 2020年07月09日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)7月6日Oil Monster消息:貿(mào)易人士稱,自沙特阿美貿(mào)易公司(ATC)與馬來西亞國家石油公司(Petronas)的合資煉油廠在3月發(fā)生火災(zāi)后關(guān)閉以來,該公司已出售了在馬來西亞持有的近1,000萬桶原油。

據(jù)7月6日Oil Monster消息:貿(mào)易人士稱,自沙特阿美貿(mào)易公司(ATC)與馬來西亞國家石油公司(Petronas)的合資煉油廠在3月發(fā)生火災(zāi)后關(guān)閉以來,該公司已出售了在馬來西亞持有的近1,000萬桶原油。



消息人士稱,沙特阿美公司的貿(mào)易機(jī)構(gòu)ATC于7月通過船對船轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)方式在馬來西亞的林吉港出售了不同等級的貨物,包括沙特阿拉伯Extra Light,阿布扎比的Murban,尼日利亞的Agbami和阿塞拜疆的Azeri Light。買家包括北亞煉油廠,石油巨頭和歐洲貿(mào)易公司。




馮娟 摘譯自 Oil Monster


Aramco Trading Sells Crude from Malaysia as Refinery Remains Shut

Aramco Trading Co (ATC), has sold close to 10 million barrels of crude oil it held around Malaysia since its joint venture refinery with Petronas was shut in March following a fire, four trade sources said.

ATC’s crude sales come as spot demand and prices have improved on tighter supplies after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies including Russia cut output by a record 9.7 million barrels per day (bpd).

A fire killed five people in March at the Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) in Malaysia’s southern state of Johor, forcing the closure of the facility that was set to begin full commercial operations this year.

Asian refiners typically purchase crude two months ahead so supplies for the Pengerang refinery that were booked earlier and could not be processed had to be stored in tanks and ships, the sources said.

ATC, trading arm of Saudi Aramco, has sold various grades - including Saudi Arab Extra Light, Murban from Abu Dhabi, Agbami from Nigeria and Azeri Light from Azerbaijan - through tenders for July loading via ship-to-ship transfer at Malaysia’s Linggi port, the sources said.

Buyers include north Asian refiners, oil majors and European trading companies, the sources said.

Saudi Aramco and Petronas [PETR.UL] did not respond to requests for comment.

“Those (cargoes) are from floating storage which could not be discharged,” one of the sources said. The joint venture partners have not decided when they will restart the Pengerang refinery as repairs at the fire-hit diesel hydrotreating unit are ongoing, he said.

Before the shutdown, the 300,000-bpd refinery had been processing mainly sweet crude after an earlier fire at its atmospheric residue desulphurisation unit (ARDS) in April 2019.

The unit removes sulphur from fuel oil, which is then used to produce gasoline, and had been scheduled to resume operation by mid-2020.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:沙特阿美 合資煉油廠
