
作者: 2020年07月08日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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石油和天然氣部長兼阿曼液化天然氣董事會主席Mohammed bin Hamad al Rumhy博士表示,該公司在一系列重大項目上的投資“收獲了回報”,尤其是工廠復(fù)興計劃、去瓶頸項目和一座新電廠。

Al Rumhy博士表示“因此,我們的利用率和生產(chǎn)水平在效率和產(chǎn)能上都達到了新高。因此,我們能夠交付公司歷史上數(shù)量最多的貨物,這反映了另一個突出的里程碑。這使我們公司得以保持其穩(wěn)固的地位和聲譽,成為長期客戶和更廣闊的天然氣市場值得信賴的液化天然氣供應(yīng)商?!?/span>

曹海斌 摘譯自 油氣新聞


Oman LNG revenues hit $3.485bln in 2019

Majority state-owned Oman LNG achieved revenues of $3.485 billion in 2019 – a year characterised by a new production high, record cargo deliveries and the start of a landmark rejuvenation programme targeting the company’s Qalhat liquefaction complex

Earnings were marginally lower than the previous year’s high of $3.505 billion, the company stated in its newly published 2019 Annual Report. However, Net Income After Tax (NIAT) was higher at $1.112 billion last year, up from $1.079 billion in 2018.

In comparison with Oman LNG’s Business Plan, revenues and net income were up 16 per cent and 32 per cent respectively, driven by improved oil prices and additional gas supplies as feedstock for liquefaction, it said.

Dr Mohammed bin Hamad al Rumhy, Minister of Oil and Gas and Chairman of Oman LNG’s Board of Directors, said the company “reaped the rewards” of its investments in a string of major projects, notably the Plant Rejuvenation Programme, Debottlenecking Project and a new power plant.

“Consequently our utilisation and production levels have reached new highs in efficiency and capacity. We were therefore able to deliver the greatest number of cargoes in the history of the company, which reflects another outstanding milestone. This has enabled our company to maintain its robust position and reputation as a reliable and trusted supplier of liquefied natural gas to our long-term customers, and the wider gas market,” said Dr Al Rumhy.

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標簽:阿曼 液化天然氣
