
作者: 2020年07月08日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T


該報(bào)告稱,這筆資金將用于開發(fā)非洲國家的一個(gè)氣田,從2024年開始,每年生產(chǎn)約1200萬噸液化天然氣。作為交易的一部分,貿(mào)易巨頭三井公司三井公司(Mitsui&Co.)和日本石油天然氣和金屬國家公司(Japan Oil,Gas and Metals National Corporation,JOGMEC)將共同購買該油田20%的股份。

另一份報(bào)告還提到,將為莫桑比克液化天然氣項(xiàng)目提供30億美元的債務(wù)融資,三井公司是該項(xiàng)目的少數(shù)股東,持有法國道達(dá)爾(French Total) 20%的股份。144億美元中的一部分將投入到這個(gè)特殊的項(xiàng)目中。

三家日本私人銀行將為該項(xiàng)目提供大部分債務(wù)融資,國有的日本國際合作銀行(Japan Bank for International Cooperation)將提供30億美元貸款。




王佳晶 摘譯自 今日油價(jià)



In partnership with the business sector, the Japanese government will invest some $14.4 billion (1.5 trillion yen) in liquefied natural gas development in Mozambique, the Nikkei Asian Review reported.

According to the report, the money will fund the development of a gas field in the African country to produce some 12 million tons of LNG annually, beginning in 2024. As part of the deal, trading major Mitsui & Co. and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. will together buy a 20-percent stake in the field.

Three Japanese private banks will provide most of the debt funding for the project, and the state-owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation will supply $3 billion in loans.

Another report also mentions $3 billion to be provided in debt financing for the Mozambique LNG project in which Mitsui & Co. is a minority partner with 20 percent to French Total, which operates the project. Part of the $14.4 billion may go into this particular project.

Japan is the world’s largest importer of liquefied natural gas, and earlier this year, the Nikkei Asian Review reported that the country’s LNG supply security was threatened by the coronavirus outbreak, with stockpiles at the time only sufficient for two weeks of consumption.

Mozambique, on the other hand, is turning into a hotspot for the LNG industry, with Total’s $20-billion Mozambique LNG project to produce close to 13 million tons of the fuel annually, and Exxon’s Rovuma project to yield some 15.2 million tons once operational.

For now, however, the Mozambique LNG facility is the only one in the country that has received a final investment decision. Exxon recently said it would delay its FID on Rovuma until next year because of current market conditions. The liquefaction operation was originally scheduled to come online in 2024, like Mozambique LNG.


全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:日本 莫桑比克LNG項(xiàng)目
