
作者: 2020年06月30日 來(lái)源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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據(jù)6月29日Kallanish Energy報(bào)道,今年一季度,英國(guó)的液化天然氣(LNG)進(jìn)口量同比增長(zhǎng)了51%。

據(jù)6月29日Kallanish Energy報(bào)道,今年一季度,英國(guó)的液化天然氣(LNG)進(jìn)口量同比增長(zhǎng)了51%。



今年一季度,液化天然氣進(jìn)口占英國(guó)天然氣進(jìn)口總量的49%,這歸因于進(jìn)口天然氣來(lái)源的多樣化。英國(guó)天然氣進(jìn)口主要來(lái)自挪威,來(lái)自荷蘭和比利時(shí)的進(jìn)口有所減少,這是由于2018年10月初Bacton-Zeebrugge Interconnector長(zhǎng)期產(chǎn)能合同的終止。


洪偉立 摘譯自 Kallanish Energy


UK LNG imports jump 51% in Q1 2020

Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the UK rose by 51% during the first quarter of 2020 compared to the previous year, Kallanish Energy reports.

The UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s Energy Trends report for Q1 2020 details the LNG imported during first quarter this year was 6.49 billion cubic meters (Bcm),a year-over-year increase of 51% compared to same period in 2019 (4.3 Bcm).

Despite the sharp rise of LNG imports, total natural gas imports to the UK fell by 27% y-o-y during Q1 2020, from 15.29 Bcm to 11.23 Bcm. The decrease was attributed to lower demand, which fell by 4.6% y-o-y during the quarter, despite an increase in gas consumption.

LNG imports accounted for 49% of total UK gas imports during the first quarter, attributed to an increased diversification of gas import sources from other nations. UK gas imports are still primarily derived from Norway, while there was a decrease in imports from the Netherlands and Belgium, “due to the Bacton Zeebrugge Interconnector long term capacity contract terminating at the beginning of October 2018.”

The UK’s natural gas exports increased by 14% y-o-y, totalling 3.7 Bcm, primarily driven by greater levels of export to Ireland during the first quarter.

Natural gas production rose marginally by 3.6% during Q1 2020, reversing the downward trend recorded throughout 2019.

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標(biāo)簽:英國(guó) 液化天然氣
