
作者: 2020年06月24日 來源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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新加坡JTD能源服務(wù)公司首席策略師John Driscoll表示:“煉廠很難應(yīng)對(duì)這種波動(dòng)。另一方面,由于價(jià)格和運(yùn)費(fèi)較低,美國(guó)石油看起來更具吸引力?!?/span>

流向亞洲的美國(guó)石油量已經(jīng)在上升。Vortexa的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,預(yù)計(jì)約有4,900萬桶原油將于下月運(yùn)抵亞洲,而5月和6月的運(yùn)抵量分別為2,700萬桶。這家市場(chǎng)分析公司的高級(jí)分析師Serena Huang稱,美國(guó)原油相對(duì)于布倫特等其他基準(zhǔn)原油的折扣幅度更大。

而包括GS加德士.和SK 創(chuàng)新在內(nèi)的韓國(guó)加工商購(gòu)買了WTI Midland和Eagle Ford等美國(guó)品種的原油,預(yù)計(jì)9月到貨。印度石油公司本月還搶購(gòu)了1,200萬桶美國(guó)原油,包括Sweet、Eagle Ford和WTI Midland等品級(jí),準(zhǔn)備明年初交貨。

WTI Midland是一些北亞煉油商首選的品級(jí),可與阿布扎比Murban和Das Blend、沙特的Arab Extra Light和Arab Light以及俄羅斯的Sokol相媲美。煉油廠官員表示,美國(guó)品種的原油比中東同類原油便宜。

據(jù)彭博社匯編的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,WTI Midland相對(duì)于基準(zhǔn)原油的現(xiàn)貨溢價(jià)較一個(gè)月前上升了約2美元/桶,而Murban的溢價(jià)因其官方售價(jià)的上漲而上漲了4美元/桶。

裘寅 編譯自 世界石油


U.S. oil gaining appeal in Asia as OPEC+ suppliers limit output

As the OPEC+ alliance sticks to its guns in trying to curb oil output to shore up prices, Asian buyers are increasingly looking to the U.S. for a cheaper source of supply.

Refiners in the top crude-importing region have been forced to accept big reductions in their regular contracted volumes from producers including Saudi Arabia and Iraq in the past couple of months. They’ve also been taken aback by sharp swings in official selling prices.

The lower volumes and pricing uncertainty is encouraging Asian processors to take a closer look at American crudes, particularly as freight rates across the Pacific have fallen over the last couple of months. Staff at four Asian processors who buy and sell crude said they were considering purchasing U.S. oil.

Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members have long-standing reputations as reliable suppliers to Asia, but the price war followed quickly by massive output cuts have unsettled buyers in the region. While these traditional suppliers are unlikely to be overtaken by the U.S. anytime soon, the instability has created an opening for American producers.

“It’s difficult for refiners to cope with such volatility,” said John Driscoll, chief strategist at JTD Energy Services Pte in Singapore. “On the other hand, U.S. oil is looking more attractive with lower prices and freight rates.”

The volume of U.S. oil flowing to Asia is already rising. About 49 million barrels are scheduled to arrive next month, compared with 27 million barrels each in May and June, figures from Vortexa Ltd. show. Deeper discounts for American crude relative to other benchmark crudes such as Brent,said Serena Huang, a senior analyst at the market analytics firm.

South Korean processors including GS Caltex Corp. and SK Innovation Co. purchased U.S. varieties including WTI Midland and Eagle Ford for September. Indian Oil Corp. also snapped up 12 million barrels of American crude this month including Domestic Sweet, Eagle Ford and WTI Midland for delivery early next year.

WTI Midland, a favored grade for some North Asian refiners, is comparable to Abu Dhabi’s Murban and Das Blend and Saudi Arabia’s Arab Extra Light and Arab Light, as well as Russian Sokol. The American varieties are cheaper than similar Middle Eastern types of the crude, the refinery officials said.

The spot premium to purchase WTI Midland against its benchmark has risen by about $2 a barrel from a month earlier, while that for Murban has increased by $4 a barrel because of an increase in its official selling price, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:美國(guó) 石油 亞洲市場(chǎng)
