隨著煉油廠產(chǎn)量提高 美國(guó)汽油需求回升放緩

作者: 2020年06月23日 來源:中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號(hào):T | T
據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)6月19日紐約報(bào)道, 世界上最大的汽車燃料市場(chǎng)-美國(guó),其汽油需求的復(fù)蘇上周達(dá)到了一個(gè)高峰,因?yàn)橐恍┲莸睦ぴ觯魅趿藷捰蜕烫岣叩腿剂袭a(chǎn)量的努力。

據(jù)能源世界網(wǎng)6月19日紐約報(bào)道, 世界上最大的汽車燃料市場(chǎng)-美國(guó),其汽油需求的復(fù)蘇上周達(dá)到了一個(gè)高峰,因?yàn)橐恍┲莸睦ぴ觯魅趿藷捰蜕烫岣叩腿剂袭a(chǎn)量的努力。

根據(jù)美國(guó)能源情報(bào)署(Energy Information Administration,EIA)周三公布的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,美國(guó)汽油消費(fèi)在連續(xù)三周上升后,上周小幅下降。在六個(gè)州新感染病例激增的情況下,代表需求的汽油產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)減少了3萬桶,至每日790萬桶。


紐約Again Capital Management合伙人John Kilduff表示,煉油商可能稍早宣布勝利,這將帶來問題。


根據(jù)EIA數(shù)據(jù)顯示,上周煉油廠減產(chǎn),汽油庫(kù)存減少至2.57億桶。 然而,庫(kù)存仍遠(yuǎn)高于去年同期的2.332億桶,與4月份剛剛超過2.63億的紀(jì)錄高點(diǎn)相差不大。

根據(jù)Refinitiv Eikon的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,汽油利潤(rùn)率有所改善,周四每桶達(dá)到13.39美元,不過仍為2010年以來的季節(jié)性最低。

Clipper Data大宗商品研究主管史密斯(Matt Smith)表示,煉油商可能會(huì)再次導(dǎo)致市場(chǎng)供應(yīng)過剩,不僅是因?yàn)閲?guó)內(nèi)需求不可靠,還因?yàn)槠渌貐^(qū)的需求不穩(wěn)。


郝芬 譯自 能源世界網(wǎng)


US gasoline demand recovery falters as refiners ramp up output

A recovery in demand for gasoline in the United States, the world's largest market for the motor fuel, hit a plateau last week as coronavirus cases surged in some states, undercutting refiners' efforts to ramp up low fuel production.

Gasoline consumption inched lower last week after three straight weeks of rises, according to Energy Information Administration data on Wednesday. Product supplied of gasoline - a proxy for demand - eased 30,000 barrels per day to 7.9 million bpd amid a spike in new infections in six states.

The dip in demand follows five consecutive weeks of increases in refining rates. Refiners last week ran at 73.8 per cent of capacity, the highest since early April, EIA said.

"Refiners might have declared victory a little early and it's going to be problematic," said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital Management in New York.

US refiners have been playing catch-up to the demand-depressing effects of the coronavirus since it started. In March, as government-imposed lockdowns cut travel, a gasoline supply glut emerged with margins to refine crude into gasoline falling to the lowest in more than a decade.

Refiners lowered output and gasoline inventories last week eased to 257 million barrels, EIA data showed. Stockpiles, however, are still far higher than year-ago levels of 233.2 million barrels and not too far off the record high of just over 263 million in April.

Gasoline margins have improved, to $13.39 a barrel on Thursday, though still the lowest seasonally since 2010, Refinitiv Eikon data showed.

Refiners could oversupply the market again, not only because of unreliable domestic demand, but because of shaky demand elsewhere, said Matt Smith, director of commodity research at Clipper Data.

Mexico, the leading destination for US gasoline exports, is importing 183,000 bpd of gasoline

全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)(http://www.bhmbl.cn )友情提醒,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明來源:全球化工設(shè)備網(wǎng)!違者必究.

標(biāo)簽:汽油 燃料 美國(guó)
