
作者: 2020年06月22日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
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咨詢公司Energy Aspects的首席石油分析師Amrita Sen說:“沙特原油進入美國市場的數(shù)量將會下降,因為沙特國內(nèi)煉油廠將開始增加開工率,而國內(nèi)原油產(chǎn)量將繼續(xù)下降。煉油商將不得不從其他地方進口原油以及減少庫存?!?/span>



李峻 編譯自 彭博社


After a record April, U.S. imports of Saudi oil near 35-year low in June

After flooding the U.S. with crude earlier this year, Saudi Arabia has all but cut off the taps to the American oil market.

The kingdom has exported just one cargo to the U.S. so far in June, equivalent to about 133,000 barrels a day, tanker-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg show. That’s about one-tenth of the 1.3 million barrels a day it shipped in April, when Riyadh flooded the global market during a brief price war against Russia.

If the low pace of exports is sustained in the second half of the month, U.S. imports of Saudi crude could drop to the lowest level in 35 years, helping the American crude market re-balance, according to traders and analysts.

“Saudi oil arrivals will fall just as domestic refiners will start raising runs and domestic production continues to decline,” said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at consultant Energy Aspects Ltd. “U.S. refiners will have to import from elsewhere and run down stocks,” she added.

To be sure, several Saudi tankers haven’t yet indicated their final destinations, so the final tally into the U.S. could be a tad higher. Yet, the trend so far in June is unmistakable: the deluge of Saudi oil that threatened to overwhelm American refiners is dwindling.

Saudi oil industry officials, speaking privately, say the kingdom is unlikely to boost shipments into the U.S. in the second half of the month and into July. By slashing U.S. crude exports, the Saudis can influence the most highly visible oil market in the world as American customs data allow for near real-time monitoring of shipments. Less Saudi petroleum is likely to reduce the closely watched American crude stockpiles, amplifying the price impact.

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標簽:沙特 美國石油市場 原油
